Book 2- Chapter 27: Flames

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My name's Christine Maranatha Roberts... I've died fighting along side with my fellow Protectors protecting the most productive City on Earth... Green City...

There are a lot of ways to die horribly.. And mine is being crashed by a fucking building.... And can i just ask one thing???...  Do you believe in second chances??

.... Because i do...

The Protectors: Dawn Of Unity

Lady, Philip, Henry and Lalaine took a van and ride it around Green City to look for a vampire that's roaming around the city. "How are we going to find a freaking vampire??" asked Lalaine.

"Easy.. Let's offer a freaking sacrifice.." said Philip while smirking. "Fuck this.. Why do we need to find him again?" asked Lalaine.

"Because if we don't.. Everything will be obliterated.. Atleast that's what he said.." Lady replied.

"Who said it??" asked Lalaine from the back of the seat.

"Him.." Lady whispered to herself as she continued to drive around Green City, looking for Bryan.


On Rosales building, inside James' old office. Destiny was looking down on the city as someone opened the door and came inside his office. "Hey.. Doc.." said Pierce wearing a leather suit and some rubber gloves.

"What is it?" asked Destiny while still gazing upong the sunset that's reflecting through the windows of the tall buildings on the city.

"The reactor.. It's ready.." said Pierce.

Destiny smiled under his metal mask and clenched his left metal fist, he looked back towards Pierce. "Shall we start the invasion?" asked Destiny.

"Forgive me Doc.. Can i just tell you something?" asked Pierce as he crossed his arms and looked at Destiny.

Destiny just looked at him and breathes through his metal mask.

"Jeck... I fought him... But.. He.. Got away.." said Pierce.

"That's none of my concern.. You deal with him.. Make sure that he doesn't get in our way.." said Destiny walking towards him.

Pierce looked down and nodded. "Understood.." said Pierce.

"Now let's go.. We have a schedule to keep.." said Destiny as he went out from the office and head to the hallway.


Lady parked her van on the side of the road and looked at her scanner. "why did we stop, Lady?" asked Philip looking at her.

"There's a massive amount of heat coming out from this building.. I've never seen anything like it.." said Lady and she looked at Philip.

"Don't tell me.." said Philip as he exchanges glance with her.

Lady quickly walked towards the building, Philip looked back to the van and saw Lalaine and Henry having a conversation. "Hey you two.. Stay here.. Kill anything that comes out from the building.." said Philip.

Lalaine nodded and ready her bow as Philip went inside the building as well and ready his gun.

Lady walked to the hallway and looked at her scanner as she slowly head to the direction where the giant heat signature is coming from. "something is not right here.." said Lady as she stopped and felt the air is getting warmer.

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