Book 2 - Chapter 30: Bring It On!

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Lalaine Tribiana's my name...

Being one of the two surviving members of Philip's Secret Agents of GMA is pretty hard..

Knowing that you will never ever find a team like that again......

Until tonight..

Jeck blasted Pierce with his flames and knocked him back in the air and he back flipped and hovers again using his lightning powers.

Jeck glared up to him while flying. "Have enough?" asked Jeck.

Pierce smirked and looked at him. "Whatever you do.. You cannot Because you hesitate.. You always did.." said Pierce.

Jeck looked at him and took a deep breath. "You're right.. I can't defeat you.. But she can.." said Jeck as he looked back and smirked.

Pierce looked at him curiously then gasped and looked back and Lalaine quickly fires her arrow to Pierce's back and tased him down.

"gggrrrrhhh!!" Pierce Exclaimed as his abilities was absorbed by the arrow and he yelled. "AHHH!!" then his abilities disappeared and he fell down to the ground.

Jeck looked at him falling then he flew straight towards him, luckily Bryan managed to caught him down and threw him down to a generator, the generator exploded once Pierce crashed to it, sending him in mid-air and to the ground.

Pierce grunted and was smoking due to the explosion.

Jeck landed besides Bryan and looked at him.

"Thanks.." said Jeck, Allan rushes towards the two and looked at Pierce. "You think that did it??" Allan asked.

"I think so.." said Bryan crossing his arms.

Jeck looked back and then Swift came in and looked at the three of them. "Is it over?" asked Jeck.

"No.. It's just starting.. The reactor might open now.." said Swift.

"Philip's already working on that boys.. What we should worry next is this Destiny guy you keep talking about.." said Lalaine as she walked down the stairs and walked towards them.

"I've met him.. He's a bit.. Hot headed freak.." said Allan.


Back on Rosales building, Philip was still figuring out how to shut the reactor down for good and all the soldiers of GMA was still battling the soldiers of the Black Claw.

Henry roared and swings his arms to the soldiers of Black Claw that's making their way towards Philip.

"Is it done!?!" roared Henry.

"Hang on!" yelled Philip then he looked at the monitor then to the keyboard. "Damn it!" yelled Philip and then he grabs his gun and aims it to the computer. "Henry! We have to get out of here fast after i shoot this computer!" yelled Philip.

Henry growled and looked at him. "Copy that!!" he yelled.

"Listen up! After Philip shoot the computer! Get out while you still can!!!" yelled Henry then the soldiers fires their gun to the Black Claw soldiers that's guarding the exit.

"Come on! Go! Go! Go!" yelled Philip as he saw the Soldiers evacuating.

Henry looked at him as he threw a Black Claw soldier away. "Philip let's go now!" yelled The beast.

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