Chapter 12: Brains Over Brawns

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Finally allan met his team that he will handle in the upcoming mission, Now three days after they will begin the mission, Now the only thing they're gonna do is to help allan train and become a better in handling his abilities

Allan was wearing a tight black shirt and some jogging pants and wearing a red rubber shoes. "So.. How do we do this??" asked allan to philip. "Well.. You just have to out run Henry.." said Philip putting his hands on his pockets.

Henry then roared then rushes towards infront of Philip and Allan then roared. "A race huh?" asked the beast. Allan crossed his arms then shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds easy.." he said.

"You need to develop your speed and reflexes too.." said Philip. "That's why we are training you..." he added.

Allan looked at him then shaked his head then chuckled. "You sure about this??" asked Allan. Philip nodded. "Just be quicker than'll be fine..Now Go!" yelled Philip then allan and Henry exchanges glance then rushes off to the field.

Allan tries as fast as he could to rub but Henry ran towards the field like a wolf and was head on the race. Allan then tries running faster then he jumped off then ride Henry's back.

Beast growled then looked back to allan. "Get off me!" he yelled. Allan then quickly jumped off henry then the beast quickly trips over himself then rolled down to the ground then slides to the ground.

Allan rolled down to the ground then he quickly stood up then continued to run until he reached the other end of the field.

"How's that philip." he said to himself.

Henry then shaked his head then glared at Allan then growled. "Hey!" yelled henry standing up then walked towards Allan.

"What??" said Allan.

Henry then points his chest then pushed him causing him to back out a bit. "You cheated!" yelled Henry.

Allan scoffs then looked at him. "When your out of ideas... You cheat.." he said smiling teasingly. Henry growled then was about to hit Allan but then Lady yelled. "Stop it both of you!" as she was walking towards them.

Henry looked at Lady then to allan then he growled then walked off back to the field. Allan looked at him then to Lady. "Thanks." he said.

Lady smiled then nodded. "I'm just here to make sure that you won't die in your training.." said Lady. Allan chuckled. "i can't tell if that's sarcastic or not..." he said. Lady smiled sweetly to him then chuckled as well.

--A few moments later--

"alright.. Hand to hand combat.. You're gonna fight Dan.. Make sure you can be able to defeat him alright big guy?" asked Philip while he pats allan's back. "Like i said.. Sounds easy.." he said as he removes his black shirt then stepped on the ring inside the bunker.

Daniel then removes his black shirt as well then stepped inside the ring. "So.. You're the new guy huh?? What can you do??" asked Daniel crossing his arms. "Well...let's say i can hear everything...especially you screaming while i beat you up.." said Allan smiling teasingly then chuckled. Daniel raised an eyebrow then clenched his fist. "Okay big guy.." said Daniel as he made his skin turn into metal then rushes to Allan.

Allan then rushes to him then kicked him away from him. Daniel just stood there and wasn't moved by the kick of Allan then Allan looked at him a little surprised then he grabbed Allan in the neck then threw him to the corner of the ring. "WHOAAAAA!!" yelled Allan then he crashed to the corner then fell outside the ring.

"How's that??" said Dan while walking towards the edge of the ring then looked down at him from the ring. "i'm just getting started.." said Allan slowly standing up then he rushes back inside the ring then he jumped towards Daniel.

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