Book 2 - Chapter 31: Together..

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My name's Henry Williams... I'm struggling with this curse that faith has given me...

But that struggling ended when the whole Green City was destroyed by Destiny...

However.. Life always finds a way... And faith has brought us a chance to use our curses as a gift to protect the city once again.....

Destiny chokes down Swift and glaring at his eyes. "I want you to look at me while i slowly murder you.." said Destiny to Swift.

"Ahhhh!!!" yelled Chrissy as she grabbed Destiny's arm that's crushing her fist and she slowly stood up. "N-nobody will die tonight!" yelled Christine while looking at Destiny.

Destiny glared at her when suddenly Allan tased him behind. "AGHHH!!" yelled Destiny as he let go of Chrissy and dropped Swift to the ground and gasped for air.

"B-Bryan! Now!" yelled Allan then suddenly Bryan rushes towards him and tackled him to a huge debri and crashed towards it.

Bryan pinned down Destiny and grabbed him by the neck. "Let's see how you like it!" yelled Bryan as his fangs appeared and quickly leans in to bite his neck but Destiny fires a lightning bolt towards him and launched him to the air.

Bryan crashed to the road and slides down besides Chrissy, Allan and Swift.
"Bryan!" yelled Allan as he help him sat up.

Destiny walked towards them and Henry came along and punched his chest, knocking him back a bit. Destiny glared at Henry and blasted him up to the sky with his optic blast and Henry crashed down to a small apartment building, from the rooftop to the ground.

Jeck flew straight towards Destiny and uses his flames like a flame thrower to burn him down. "Come on! Just melt already!!" yelled Jeck as he flew around Destiny and burning him with his flames.

Lalaine rushes behind a wrecked car and fires multiple arrows towards Destiny, one after another and tries to pierce his diamond like skin.


Philip, John and some other soldiers along with Lady was watching the battle from a distance. "John.. I need your permission to help them take down that monster.." said Philip.

"What can we do?? We're only humans after all.." said John holding his left arm tight.

"Humans?? Hah.. John! They're humans too.. Especially Allan and Lalaine.. " said Lady walking towards him.

"The last time i check Allan has abilities called Echolocation.. Which makes him a new human.. And Lalaine has high extreme accuracy that's not normal for a normal human being.." said John.

"Even so! If we do nothing he'll destroy all of them!" yelled Lady clenching her fist.

"And if we interfere most of our men will die! And probably you will too!" John protested.

"Watch me!" yelled Lady as she grabbed John's gun and rushes to the battle field.

"LADY!" yelled John.

"Philip! Go get her.." said John, Philip nodded and rushes towards Lady and the protectors as well.


Destiny rushes towards Lalaine and kicked her on the stomach and launched her towards Jeck.

"Agh!" they both exclaimed as they crashed to the ground.

Destiny looked around and glared at them. "give up???" he asked.

Allan grabbed his staff and turns it into two batons and twirls it around.

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