Chapter 7: Burned Up

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On the past chapter, We learned that there is a Vampire on the loose that killed a few men back at the bar where Jeck and his two other friends hang out. Jeck then decided to hunt down the vampire named Bryan, as of now they arrived at their destination to see if James Rosales owner of the company Rosales inc. And the owner of building rosales have something to do with this vampire attack that happened in their favourite bar.

Inside the Rosales building, Jeck made his way towards the information desk then looked at the clerk.

"Do you have any appointment sir?" asked the clerk.

"yeah.. Well.. Im here to see Mr. James Rosales.. We have some important matters to discuss.." said Jeck as he gave the clerk, James' Card.

"and i assume you're one of Speedy's body guards?" asked the clerk. Jeck then nodded and smiled a bit.

The clerk then nodded and then type something on her computer at the desk then smiled and looked back at jeck. "Welcome to Rosales Inc. Building, sir." said the clerk. Then Jeck nodded. "Thank you miss.." he said as he went inside the entrance hallway and to the elevator.


On the top floor of Rosales Building. A fat guy wearing a silver tuxedo and silver pants was looking down at the city lights of green city.

"Ever heard of the word Extinction, Knight?" asked the man as he grab his wine glass and drank up some wine.

The other man was standing infront of his desk, wearing a black coat and underneath is a brown long sleeve and some black pants. "Yes i did sir.." he said.

The man looked at him then smirked. "Extinction means a new beginning in my knowledge Mr. Knight...." said the man.

Knight then walked towards his desk and then looked at his eyes. "Mr. Rosales.. I think this plan of yours won't change anything." he said.

James then looked back at him. "What do you mean?!" he yelled.

"Even though you may put an end in this city.... Somebody out there will eventually stop you.. Even if that bomb of yours will explode.. There's no guarantee that every on in this city will be able to survive.." he replied.

James then threw his wine glass and then pointed his finger to Knight. "and that's where you come in! You will hunt down those who will survive in that explosion.. Including that Fucking vampire bat, Bryan!" he yelled then suddenly from the window. A bat flew in then transformed into a human.

"You!" yelled Bryan as he points to James.

"Bryan... It's so good to see you, How'd you been?!" James tries to tease the Man.

Bryan growled then quickly rushes towards him then punched him in the face. "Agh!" he yelled out as he fell down.

Knight then looked at Bryan quickly then rushes to him then punched his face. Bryan exclaimed then punched him back but Knight.managed to block it with his bare hand. "You never learn do you?!" he said then gave Bryan a headbutt.

Bryan back out a bit then roared then kicked knight away, he slides down then smirked. Knight then rushes to him again then punched his face. Launching Bryan to the desk.

"And that's how you end a fight.." said Knight as he rubbed his fist then looked at Bryan slowly standing up. "you'll never get away with this!" yelled bryan then he quickly rushes towards knight again but Knight.managed to grab his neck then chokes him. "We'll see about that... If even one of us activates that bomb earlier than expected thousands will die.." said Knight while choking Bryan harder.

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