Chapter 6: The Bat Of Green City

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Three days passed since the incident happened in the prison of green city. Thanks to Allan, Jeck and Christine the city was saved and the GreenCity's Mutant Association convinced the three to join their association but they've declined, not John..the Head of the association took a plan to watch over the three and help them protect the city from other criminals that broke out of prison three days ago....

"Yeah!! There we go!" yelled a man that's holding some beer.

"it's good to have you back Speedy!" Said a man with a cigarette on his hand then pats a man on his back.

The man was wearing a brown coat and a fedora hat and smoking some cigarettes as well. "Just order what you want gang.. The house is on me" he said.

The men then yelled then cheers their bottle of beers and drank up.

As they were all having a goodtime, Someone came in inside the bar wearing a black coat and a black fedora and some black boots and a shade.

The man sit down on the counter and other some wine.

"Hey guys.. Watch this." said one of the man that's drinking on the other table.

The man walked towards the guy in the black coat and sat besides him. "Hey.. New around here?" asked the man.

The man in the black coat, glared at him then the man looked back towards him a little suprised. "What with that red eyes of yours?! You punk! You think you're so tough huh?!" asked the man as he grabbed him by the collar.

The guy in the black coat then quickly leans to the man then bites it neck, "AHHHH!!!!" yelled the man as he dropped his beer that all of his blood were sucked up.

The men took out their guns and aims it towards the guy in the black coat. "Who are you?!" yelled one of the men.

The guy in the black coat dropped the lifeless body then glared at the group of men that's aiming their gun to him.

"look Guys! Just take it outside!" yelled the bartender as he kneeled down and hid behind the counter.

The guy in the black coat removes his shade and his fedora then glared at the leader of the group of men inside the bar.

"You!" yelled the man. "Where's the bomb?!" yelled the man pointing towards the leader.

"S-speedy?! What's he talking about?" asked a nervous man. Speedy then exclaimed then shouted.

"Just shoot him!!"

The men then fires their gun towards the man in the black coat but the bullets have no effect on him. He just walked towards the men taking all the bullets and not feeling any pain.

Speedy was surprised and looked at him. "I-I remember now!! You're that g-guy!!" yelled speedy slowly backing out.

The man looked at him then he punched the men that's firing their guns at him one by one. Then he bit one man by the neck then throw it's body to the other causing then to crashed to the table.

"Ah!!" They exclaimed.

"Yes! I am that man!! I Am Bryan MacCormack!" he yelled then he quickly rushes towards their leader, Speedy like a speeding bullet then grabbed him by the neck.

"Where's the bomb!?" yelled bryan.

"ugh!! wh-what are you?!" yelled Speedy then bryan growled then his fangs appeared again and was about to bite speedy by the neck but then speedy quickly punched him in the face.

"Agh!" exclaimed bryan then speedy looked at him. "Oh My God.... I was right.. You're the bat... The Vampire.. The Megabat of Greencity.." said speedy slowly heading towards the backdoor then he grabbed a gum then aims it to Bryan.

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