Chapter 21: Lightning Strikes - Part 1

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Bryan has returned to save Jeck from Lalain and Henry, just when they were about to destroy each other Jeck coughs out the Nanite robot that was controlling his actions and letting him destroy everything insight. Now how did that even happened? Why did he cough out the bot suddenly? What is the explosion on Rosales Building? And who are the two figure who was battling on the top of the building? The answers are all in this chapter.

--A few Minutes earlier--

"Pierce Laxson.." said Justine as he hovers outisde the building of Rosales inc.

Pierce was operating a computer on James' office and was controlling the nanite virus inside Jeck's body controlling his all actions.

Justine quickly flew straight inside, Pierce quickly looked back and saw Justine. "Well..well.. Who do we have here!?" Pierce asked while slowly standing up.

"You know me.. You motherfucker.. You were the sick coward who.blew up Osas building!" yelled Justine clenching his fist.

Pierce looked at him then chuckled. "oh yes.. Hahaha you.. Galvez did blew it up though.. I was the one who told him to do it." said Pierce.

Justice glared at him then flew straight towards him. "You bastard!!!" yelled Justine as he delivers a punch to Pierce.

Pierce managed to dodge it then grabbed his jet pack and crashed him to the ground then fires a lightning blast to his back. Justine crashed under the top floor then he quickly stood up and flew back to the top and punched Pierce.

Pierce blocked the punch with his arms and was sent flying to the wall and crashed there. He quickly stood up and fires another lightning blast to him.

Justine quickly dodges it and flew towards him again and punched his face, luckily Pierce managed to dodge him then he grabbed Justine's right arm and quickly yanked his armour off his arm.

"Ah! You'll pay for that!!" yelled Justine as he grabbed Pierce by the collar and threw him to the computer.

"AHHHH!!!" he yelled out and fell on the floor. The computer was crashed and starts to spark up.

"What have you done!?!" yelled Pierce standing up.

Justine clenched his fist and swings his arms to Pierce. He quickly dodges it and fires a blast of lightning to him launching hin to the ceiling and fell to the floor.

Pierce quickly grabbed his jetpack and he pulled it out from his back. "Ahh!!" Yelled Pierce then he kicked Justine towards the window but he rolled and stood up fast.

Pierce quickly tries to fix the computer but Justine rushes to him and grabbed his back and threw him to the wall again, he fell on the floor and stood up fast and fires a blast of lightning once more.

"ENOUGH!" Yelled Pierce as he continues firing the lightning blast to Justine. "AHHHH!!" yelled Justine in pain then the computer exploded, launching the two of them out of the building and into the sky.

Pierce uses his lightning abilities to fly, guiding his directions with the use of electricity.

Justine was falling down from the building and suddenly Pierce blasted him with his lightning and Justine crashed to the ground, creating a huge force of wind that launched some few civilians back along with our four heroes. Henry, Lalaine, Jeck and Bryan.

Justine looked up at Pierce then Pierce hovers down infront of Justine and looked at Justine.

"I'm not done with you yet!" yelled Justine as he stood up.

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