Book 2- Chapter 26: Hope

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My name's Allan Reyes.. I'm a protector of Green City.. I died on January 28, 2018... And my plan to save Green City failed... But.. I know somebody out there will eventually fix the mistake we've done...

What happened after Destiny destroyed the city?? Well... That's a long story.. And it starts with the fastest man in CeruleanVille... Swift..

The Protectors: Dawn Of Unity

On the road towards the dessert of Green city, a familiar figure was running very fast and was wearing his white spandex and goggle with his green gloves on his hands until he heard a huge explosion from a distance.

"Huh!?" he said as he stopped for a while and saw a capsule flew away from the explosion. "Woah!!" he said as he ran and chased the capsule that's slowly falling towards a cornfield miles away from the explosion.

He quickly ran around in circles to create a tornado to slow down the fall of the capsule in the cornfield then landed safely on the ground. Swift rushes to it and opened it with all of his strength and saw Philip and Lady inside it.

"You guys!?" he said a little surprise.

Philip got out from the capsule and helped Lady got out as well. "Do we know you?" asked Philip. Swift chuckled then shaked his head. "Right.. Different place i meant time.. You still don't know who i am.." said Swift, trying to explain what's happening.

Lady then walked towards him and kicked him off to the ground. Swift fell down and quickly ran behind Lady. "Hey! Easy there.." said Swift as he held her arms back.

Lady looked back at him from behind and glared at him. "Are you one of his minions?!" he asked.

"What!?" asked Swift a little confuse.

"this Destiny guy, do you know him!?" asked Philip as he aimed his gun to Swift's head.

"Alright! Don't shoot me.. But please.. You gotta listen to me.." said Swift slowly letting Lady's arms go and slowly raising his hands up. "Speak!" said Philip.

Swift took a deep breath and quickly grabbed his gun and quickly removed all the bullets and he quickly put it back on Philip's hand.

"First.. No guns and violence involve... And second! Allan sent me here..i mean Bryan.. Whatever.. I came back in time to fix everything.. The future was destroyed by the reactor that Destiny have made.. And i'm here to save you all.. But i can't do it alone.. I need.. M-my friends.." said Swift slowly looking down.

Lady and Philip just stare at him blankly. "What!?" asked Philip.

Swift sighed then looked at the two of them. "Listen.. I'm from the future.." he said.

Lady blinked and looked at Philip. "Excuse me for a bit time traveler.." said Lady with a sarcastic tone then she grabbed Philip's right arm and walked to a distance away from Swift.

"I think this guy's crazy.." said Lady.

"What!? No kidding.. He's saying about things that are so impossible to happen.." said Philip looking back to Swift.

Lady looked at him then to Philip. "But Phil.... He knows Allan.. I'm having thoughts about believing him or not.. Plus.. He knows about Destiny.. Maybe he IS telling the truth?" Lady looked at Philip. "and if he's not!?" asked Philip. "We'll kill him.. Easy as that.." said Lady with a smile then walked towards Swift.

The Protectors: Dawn Of UnityWhere stories live. Discover now