Chapter 9: A Hero Was Born

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The final battle of Bryan and James is happening as well as Knight and Jeck. Juan and Jake are the ones who will disarm the bomb before it's too late. But before they can do it they must first defeat james and his company in order to stop their madness for good.

Jeck and Knight crashed inside the ship then Jeck kicked Knight off him. Knight crashed to the engine room as well as Jeck. "This is not the best place to use flames.." said Knight smirking as he made his flames disappear.

Jeck then slowly stood up and cool off as well. "i agree.. We do this as a man.." said Jeck clenching his fist. Knight then removed his silver mask then drops it as they both rushes to each other then punched each other's face.

Jeck then grabbed his arm then threw him to the other side. Knight rolled around then quickly stood up. Jeck then rushes to him then punched him again. Knight managed to dodge it then he punched Jeck in the stomach then launched him to a machine.

Jeck then fell to the floor then tried to stand up. Knight then stepped on his back then kicked him. "Agh!" Jeck exclaimed. Knight looked at him then smirked. "You light up yourself on flames.. We both die in the explosion here.." said Knight. Jeck glared at him then stood up and punched him but knight blocked his fist then pushed him back.

Knight then kicked him off then Jeck was knocked back. Knight then rushes towards him then punched him over and over, knocking him back more. "Ah!!" Jeck exclaimed.

Knight then grabbed him by then shoulder then kicked his stomach then throw him to a machine again. "AH!" yelled Jeck as he fell to the floor.

Knight sighed then chuckled. "What a waste.. You lose two fights in one night.." said Knight. Jeck stood up slowly but knight kicked him in the face. "Ah!" yelled Jeck as he fell on the floor.

Knight looked at him as his forehead started to bleed. "Do you think you'll win this fight?!" yelled Knight to Jeck.


Juan and Jake already circled around the battle field then they reached the bomb that only has 20 minutes left. "Okay now what??" asked Juan.

Jake looked at the keyboard of the bomb and to the monitor. "We disarm this shitpile.." said Jake as he tries to type something to disarm the bomb. "What ever you're trying to do it-o fast.." said Juan looking at a few men rushing towards them. Juan clenched his fist. "I'll handle this-o" said Juan then rushes to the men.

Juan punched one then kicked him to another man then grabbed one of the men then spins him around then threw him back to the others. "Haha! Is-o that all you got?!" yelled Juan happily.

Jake then looked at the monitor a little pressured about what he's doing. "come on.. Come on.." he whispered to himself.


James was about to fire his gun then suddenly Bryan grabbed his arm then broke his right forearm. "AHHHHH!!!" yelled James then he grabbed his arm then leans back then fell on the ground. "AHHH!! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!" yelled James angrily.

Bryan then slowly crawled to grabbed James' gun. Bryan then glared at him then James quickly got up then rushes to bryan. "I'LL KILL YOUUU!!!" yelled james then he kicked Bryan in the face. "Ah! Tch!!" exclaimed bryan then he fires James' gun to his foot. "AHHH!!" James yelled then Bryan grabbed his leg then trips him off. James grunted then Bryan quickly crawled up to him.

Bryan punched his face then grabbed him by the neck. "You said you wanted to kill me!! Newsflash! I'm already dead!" yelled Bryan then he bit James' neck then James shouted. "NOOOO!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!" yelled James trying to escape but suddenly Bryan's wounds quickly healed as he sucked all James' blood.

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