Chapter 24: Protectors Unite

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All of our heroes are finally reunited with each and every one of them and all of them has only one goal and that is to protect the City from Destiny and his army. Chrissy has finally returned to Green City and was willing to help our fellow Protectors once again and now the moment we all been waiting for is here now let's continue the story once again...

Bryan looked at Christine then Chrissy glared at him. "I'm sorry, Who are you again??" she asked.

"Who i am doesn't matter what matters is that we should work together to protect the city.." said Bryan. "i'm sorry but... The last time i check.. Us three can handle it on our own.." said Chrissy.

"This isn't the time for arguing everyone.." said Lalaine. Chrissy and Bryan looked at her and then Bryan points his finger to her. "Stay out of this, I'm not done with you yet.." said Bryan.

"Oh people! You're like children!" Henry roared out. "And who are you supposed to be!? Beast? And the girl with the arrow is beauty!? Come on.." said Christine crossing her arms.

"Can someone explain what is going on here!?" Swift looked at the four of them. "Look.. It's been a honor fighting with you but you can go home to CeruleanVille now.." said Chrissy looking at Swift.

"Really!? He just saved us and you wanna send him back to his city!? Very professional.." said Lalaine glaring at Christine. Chrissy smiled then gave Lalaine a middle finger. "Enough of this! We should be working together not against each other!" Swift yelled.

"listen! You may have saved us but you're not the leader around here!" Yelled Bryan to Swift. "And you are!?" Henry growled.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Allan.

The five of them then looked at Allan and then Jeck chuckled a bit then glances upon Allan. "can't you just all take a deep breath and see what is happening right now in the city??" Allan stepped infront of them and looked at them one by one.

"Now.. This is just gonna sound crazy.. But we need to work as a team.. As a real team this time! Our city has taken damaged and someone is leading them and i'm guessing that man is the one who's responsible for the explosion four months ago.." said Allan glaring at Rosales building.

"He is.." said Bryan. Allan looked at him and took a deep breath. "If that's the case.. Then we have a new plan.. We take out whatever is causing that blue sky beam and take down who ever is responsible for all of this!" Allan said a little serious.

"But what about the pests?" Jeck asked.

"each of us has some ways to help back.. Use it wisely... No one in this city should die tonight.." said Allan a little serious. "Now.. We'll go to Rosales building destroy the source and bring the final fight to them.." said Allan.

Bryan smirked and Henry as well. Jeck and Chrissy exchanges glance and nodded. Swift fixed his goggles and smiled. Lalaine then notches an arrow to her bow and smiled.

"Let's go!" Allan yelled and they all rushes off towards Rosales building. Lalaine then stop and heard Lady calling her name and rushing towards them. "Lalaine!" Yelled Lady.

Lalaine gasped and quickly rushes to her. "What are you doing here!?" Lalaine asked. "i came here to help!" said Lady.

"What!? You should get to safety! I'm sorry Lady but we can handle this!" said Lalaine trying to convince her to get back to the headquarters.

"Watch me!" yelled Lady. Lalaine then holds her arms then glared at her.

"Lady! I'm gonna fight along side with a supergirl, a beast, a human flamethrower, a man who hears everything, a vampire and a speedster.. You think guns and bullets will be enough to end this? I don't think so.. As far as i can tell i'm the only normal one here... Go back to John.. Help the city by rescuing people and evacuating them... Alright Lady?" Lalaine as looking at her.

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