Chapter 5: Helping Hand

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On the past chapter, Christine went on a journey to find out who messed up her report and who was responsible destroying Future Labs. And her first suspect is Jeizar Parker, but before she can find out the truth, Allan, Jeck and her are on a fight between the prisoners who escaped Green city's prison.

Frank then reloaded his gun then pulls the trigger and fires his bullets towards Allan, Allan managed to dodge ever bullet because of his enhanced hearing.

Allan then grabbed the gun of Frank then punched him in the face mutiple times then Frank grabbed him by the neck then lift him up then crashed him to the ground. "Ah!" Yelled Allan then he was punched by Frank in the face again and again.

Allan grabbed a rock then knocked the head of Frank with it. "Ah! Fuck you little shit!" yelled Frank as he rubbed his head then glared at Allan.

Allan then threw the rock towards Frank then it hit his head. "Ah!!" yelled Frank then he fell on to his knees, allan slowly stood up then looked at Frank.

Frank chuckled then grabbed a pistol then reloaded it. "You bitch! I'm gonna kill you!!" yelled Frank then he aims the pistol towards Allan.

Allan then closed his eyes then hears the hammer of the pistol clank then he quickly grabs the gun then fires it downwards.

"Not this time!" Yelled Allan then he pulls the gun from his hand and hit Frank with it in the face then threw it behind him.

Frank backed out a bit then Allan rushes towards him then jumped infront of Frank and kicked him in the chest then Frank was launched and fell to the ground.

Allan landed on the ground. Then fell on his knees then looked at Frank. "Stay down you crazy pile of shit.." Allan breathes heavily then shaked his head.

On the other hand. Jeck fires some more fireballs to the clones of Ivan then uses his hands like a flamethrower, burning the clones that was rushing towards him. Christine then grabbed a police car again then swings it to the horde of clones rushing towards her and Jeck.

Ivan then looked at the two then just when he was about to duplicate more of himself. Allan quickly pinned him down then punched him in the face. "No more!" Yelled Allan. Ivan grabbed him by the neck as well as Allan. Ivan kicked him by the chest then send him crashing to a huge boulder.

"ohhh!!" exclaimed Allan.

Ivan chuckled then rushes towards allan then lift him up then punched him again in the face then threw him towards the open field.

Allan grunted then tries to stand up. Ivan duplicated himself then looks at Allan. "now that we've finally break out of's time for the world to know what we are capable of...people like us? They fear us!" said Ivan as he swings his arms towards Allan that standing up then send him launching to another clone then it grabbed him by the neck.

"After we're done with you's time for us to destroy this city and the only species that will be living in this world...will be us! The new Humans!!" Yelled Ivan.

Allan spits some blood to his face then headbutt him. "not if i have something to say about it.." yelled Allan then just when the clones that was about to pin him down again, he carefully listen to the footsteps on the ground then he trips a few clones using his leg causing them to fall towards the other clones.

Allan then grabbed one clone then pushes it back towards one clone then he punched another and another, listening to every steps that's coming towards him, infront or behind.

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