1 - "You got engaged?"

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She smiled. Meekly she looked up at him through her veil. He was standing at the altar, waiting patiently for her with a broad smile. Blushing, she looked away. The aisle to the altar was the only distance between them now.

She slowly walked towards him. The entire room was decorated in white theme. Guests were seated on the chairs on either side of the aisle. She noticed her parents as well as his, who all were seated at the first row itself. The four pairs of eyes were looking lovingly at her.

Her gaze turned back to him and they maintained the eye-contact as she made her way to the altar.

When she reached the altar, he put his hand forward for her to take. She was about to put her hand in his. Suddenly they heard a voice.

Tik - Tik - Tik

Her surroundings began to darken. It seemed as on a bright sunny day the sky was suddenly taken over by a huge patch of dark grey clouds. She turned and noticed the guests who were vanishing steadily. His and her parents too vanished just like the others.

She panicked and turned to look back at him. He had not vanished but was being dragged away. She put forward her hand and reached out for him. She tried to stop him and pull him towards herself, but in vain. A kind of strong force was pulling her back, taking her farther away from him but when she looked behind there was no one.

The sound continued to ring in her and it was irritating her. She cried seeing him being dragged away and Inspite of making several attempts she could not stop him.

Noooooo... She cried and woke up with a start.

Her gaze turned at the mobile on the bedside table that was ringing. She shook her head and switched off the alarm. She picked up the photo frame beside the clock. She caressed it fondly and then placed it back on the table. Swinging her legs to the side of the bed she stood up, put on her spectacles and made her way to the washroom.

Having a nightmare was not new to her. Infact the same nightmare had been recurring in her dreams for the past two years.

Once freshened up, she headed downstairs to the kitchen. As she warmed up some water to drink she noticed a groceries list on the refrigerator. She decided to head out of home for a walk and purchase the groceries mentioned in the list while returning.

As she waited for the bill at the check out counter of the supermarket of the store she checked her mobile for any mails or messages.

"Thank You!" She smiled at the cashier after paying for the items and picked up the bags.

She turned left after exiting the store and began walking back towards her house.

"Hey gorgeous, what's the plan for tonight?"

She glanced around her but no man was looking at her. She assumed someone nearby must be talking on his mobile and continued to walk home.

"I know a great Italian place. If you are interested, I can make a reservation."

The same voice came again. This time she turned back and saw a guy. He was intently looking at her which meant that he was definitely talking to her.

"Excuse me do..."

"The same old questions." He cut her off. "Who are you? I don't know you. Get lost... Look once we go out together we will get to know each other. What say?" He wriggled his eyebrows.

She took a step back. "Go bother someone else."

"Come on, just have dinner with me."

"Not interested." She turned to walk away. She was surprised that a guy whom she had never even seen was asking her out.

Love... Once Again ! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now