5 -"Espresso."

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About a month had passed since Aditya joined and began working. Nisha noticed that he was diligent in work. He would even stay back till late night to complete designs beforehand. After speaking and discussing projects with him she realised that he had great potential.

The communication between Nisha and Aditya stuck to work itself. She was happy that the qualified Aditya from his CV attended office. She wondered if he had this good behaviour just to keep his job. But however he behaved outside did not matter to her. As long as he did not create any embarrassing situation for any employee in the office, everything was good. Also he was dedicated to his work and did it properly which was what the company required.

Aditya was good at times of emergency as well. For their Hyderabad project they had hardly a week to finalize the structure. Nisha was about to cancel it, but Aditya insisted on taking up the risky project. With the help of his team he came up with his plan in a week exactly surprising everyone.


It was Tuesday morning. Aditya was walking towards the bus stop when a car pulled up next to him... Nisha's. The passenger side glass lowered down.

"Car broke down again?"

He chuckled. "No actually my friend has borrowed it to visit her parents."

"Oh. Get in then." She offered.

"Thanks." He sat on the passenger seat.

After a few minutes Aditya asked, "Can we stop here?"

"Starbucks?" She switched lanes towards the curb.

"Yeah. Let's have something."

"Thanks. I'm actually not interested... But I'll wait here, you can get something for yourself."

"Let me treat you. You recruited me even after the fiasco."

"You don't have to." She shook her head.

"Oh come on, it's just a cup of coffee."

Nisha parked the car along the curb.

"I just love the smell of coffee." Aditya took a deep whiff once they were inside. "What will you have?"


"I'll get it. Please pick a table for us."

He walked to the counter while Nisha walked towards a table near the window and got seated.

After placing the order Aditya looked back at Nisha. Her gaze was focussed intently on something outside. He always felt a different aura around her. She was very polite and friendly with all the employees. She always kept her cabin door open so anyone could enter. At times she even sat in any empty cubicle among the employees.

He also noticed the changes in her behaviour towards him. The first few days she barely even glanced in his direction. All work was discussed by him with Naren, her cousin brother and the major director of the company. Even then he knew that she kept an eye on him and his work. Soon she started discussing work directly with him.

But at the same time he observed that she was missing something too. Her hazel eyes were bright but not warm. She was smiling but there was no happiness in that smile. He wondered if all the company pressure at the highest post had made her so. The black rimmed glasses she wore were the only thing that made her look cute rather than sombre.

"Here's your order."

"Thanks." Aditya picked up the tray and made his way to the table.

When he reached the table he noticed that she was still staring out. He placed the tray on the table and sat down. Even then she didn't turn. He called out to her. "Nisha."

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