9 - Soon you will be dancing to my tunes.

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An early update. Hope you like it. : )


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen."
Everyone stopped chatting and looked at the host. "Welcome to Singapore for the Thirty-second International Business Meet!"

Everyone clapped and the host continued. "Before we begin we would like to thank our organisers and sponsors of the event. Let's have a huge round of applause for Mrs Carol Johnson, Mr K Singhania, Mr Christopher Pierce and Miss Nisha Kapoor."

The program began with speeches and introductions from top business professionals.

Nisha, Naren, Shruti and Aditya were seated at a table in the Renaissance hotel, Singapore. There were another hundred odd business men and women from around the world who were accompanied with their spouses and immediate family members. This was the fifth year Nisha was attending the meet. The first two times she had arrived with Rakesh as the Vice President of Nina incorporation and following years as the CEO. This meet was one of the very few ones where Nisha could not avoid media.

"Hello darling!"

Nisha had just stepped out of the comfort room when she heard his voice. She recognised his voice. "Hello Mr Malhotra." She continued to walk without even sparing him a glance.

Karan Malhotra was the younger son of Mr Ravi Malhotra, who was a good friend and business associate of the Kapoor's. Karan was the managing director of Malhotra industries.

He marched her steps and lightly held her arm. "I heard that you are working on the Campbell project."

"Yes. I am helping Mr and Mrs Kumar build a hospital in their son's name." The unfortunate couple Mr and Mrs Kumar had lost their son due to tumor. Since then his parents have built orphanages and provided ample of donation. Now they wished to build a hospital which provided medication specifically for tumor suffering patients and especially children whose parents could not afford the costly bills of private hospitals.

"So how much donation did you provide?"

She looked at Karan and smirked. "Your informers did not tell you that?"

Karan kept a tab on Nisha's life. Not due to of rivalry but because of interest. Ravi had complete intention of merging their business. It was mainly the reason for which Karan tried to get close to Nisha.

"Your life is too confidential darling. If my dad didn't know your family so well I would assume that you have connections with the Mafia."

"One doesn't hide just because they are doing something wrong, Karan. At times it is to avoid nosy people too... Now if you could excuse me, I need to get to my table."

Luckily they had reached the hall and Nisha made her way to the table.

The evening continued with top twenty businesses around the world being awarded. Nina incorporation being at the tenth position.

Nisha was a little surprised when instead of her, Naren's name was called out. All the other CEO's were called except for her. But she did not mind as she knew that Naren too had taken efforts for the company.

"And now I would like to call Mr Christopher Pierce." The host announced and everyone clapped as Mr Pierce made his way on stage.

"Good evening! Everyone here knows that I have been attending this business meet almost every year and have also been a part of the organising committee. This year we have decided to award a special person. This person from a very young age has taken greater responsibilities, has faced every obstacle as a challenge and conquered it, has taken the company to skyrocketing heights and has acquired position in top ten around the globe. This person has not only provided many donations but has also personally organised various charity events. Without dragging the suspense, I am pleased to announce that this person is none other than Miss Nisha Kapoor."

Everyone clapped and looked in her direction. Cameras flashed around her.

"Miss Kapoor could you please come up on stage." Mr Pierce requested.

Aditya who was seated beside her touched her shoulder and bought her out of her trance. She lifted the hem of her dress and made her way to the stage. She shook hands with Mr Pierce who congratulated her. He then handed her the mike to speak a few words.

"Hello everyone! Good evening! First of all I would like to thank Mr Pierce and other members of the committee to bestow me with this award. Nina incorporation has achieved success due to the collective efforts of investors, clients, employees, suppliers and many more. This company was started by my great grandfather. Many people have contributed in keeping this legacy intact. I hope that they not only bless me but also continue to guide me in taking this legacy forward as well. Thank you all once again for this." She raised the award up. "Enjoy your evening!"

Naren hugged her once she got off stage followed by Aditya. The media gathered around her. She answered a few questions and dismissed them.

The actual event had ended and media too had left. Some guests went to the dance floor, some proceeded for dinner while the rest were having discussions.

Nisha was speaking with a certain associate when she felt a hand on her back. She turned and saw Aditya.

"May I have a dance with you?"

She looked back at the man she was talking too. Before she could say anything he smiled. "You go ahead, Nisha. We can have this conversation  another time. I need to find my wife too."

Aditya led her to the dance floor. She saw Karan at a nearby table drinking and staring at them.

"I saw you earlier entering with an uneasy expression with him." Aditya took her right hand in his and she placed her left hand on his shoulder.

He enjoyed the feeling of holding her in his arms which is why he asked her for a dance. As it was the only moment where she was close to him. He also made a mental note to not speak anything that would upset her. The last time they were dancing he messed things up. He did not want to repeat the same mistake.

"We don't get along," she said and bought him out his thoughts. He got worried assuming that she was talking about himself and her. But then he noticed her looking at Karan.

"Then don't look at him." He said and swiftly twirled around so her back was to Karan.

She laughed and they continued dancing. "Well, I must say, you clean up well."

"Thank you. And if it's the time of compliments I surely cannot miss out on saying that you look gorgeous."
Her one shoulder dress in midnight blue looked simple, elegant and made her stand out among all. Also she was not wearing much jewelry, just a watch, a bracelet and ofcourse the ring. The ring which he badly wished for her to take off.

It had been clear to his mind since a few days, that he was not only attracted to Nisha but also enjoyed her company immensely. He had started liking her.

"So what's your plan for tomorrow?" Aditya asked. Their return flight to Mumbai was for day after, leaving a days gap in between.

"Nothing great. Aarti has mailed me some papers. So I'll..."

"Will you go out with me?" He asked. He understood that he was taking a huge risk. She could flatly refuse, which was the answer he was most likely expecting from her. But he had to take the chance.

"Huh?" She looked at him.

"I meant umm...let's go sight seeing. Have you been here before?"

"No." She shook her head.

"Then lets explore this place." He suggested. "Have a little fun time. What say?"


"Great." He smiled. "Then tomorrow at eight?"

"Sure." She nodded with a smile. A couple of songs later they proceeded for dinner.

A few tables away Karan averted his gaze from the dancing couple he was staring at. Dance with him as much as you please, darling. Soon you will be dancing to my tunes. He drank the remains of his glass and slammed it on the table before walking out of the party hall.

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