3 - "The junkyard?"

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She held out her hand. "Hi. I am Nisha Kapoor, CEO of Nina incorporation."

"Hello ma'am." He shook her hand.

His hands were sweaty and she smirked at his nervousness.

"Any pleasing lines that you would like to say Mr. Gupta?"

He mentally face palmed himself and remembered the moment he was conversing on his mobile before siting in her car. The CEO is a lady. I will say a few pleasing lines and she will fall for it and give me the job.

"I... I just said so... because women are to be appreciated." He tried to cover up.

"Really? Or was it that she will fall for it and hand me the job?"

She is sharp. He wondered how could she hear his conversation while she was seated in the car at the time.

"I read your name on CV." She handed him a sheet. "You had dropped it with your files... I recollected to have read your name in the list of interviewees today. That's when I offered to give you a lift, afterall the destination was the same... Here's your CV."

"Ummm... Won't you need it?"

"We already have the scanned copy shared by you earlier."

He took the sheet and asked. "What about my presentation?"

"There is no need for that."

"So..." Aditya nervously asked. "What about my job?" 

"We will contact you in a couple of days to inform about it. Anyway it was nice meeting you Mr. Gupta." Nisha gave him a smile and turned to walk towards the lift.

"Ma'am." He stopped her. "I am really sorry for my behaviour, yesterday and today."

"Okay." She pressed the button to call the lift.

"Ma'am I will really work hard for this company. Please, just take a look at my presentation."

"I told you Mr. Gupta. There is no need for that."

"Ma'am, I have just shifted to Mumbai. I really need this job." He pleaded.

"I will keep that in mind."

The lift doors opened and she stepped inside.

"Have a nice day Mr. Gupta."
He saw her smile as the doors shut. He punched the wall beside the lift and cursed. He had lost his chance of a job at that company. He decided to return back home and search for new ones on the net.

He walked back to where he had left his car. He hoped that it would atleast start and work till just the garage.

But when he reached he was shocked as his car was nowhere in sight. He glanced around to make sure that he was in the right lane.

He asked a few nearby shopkeepers and salesmen.

"Have you seen my car? I had left it a few hours ago here itself. A black Honda."

One of them had replied. "A policeman came and towed it away."

"Oh god!" He groaned. "Now I have to deal with the police too!"

He asked for directions to the nearest police station and headed towards it.

"Excuse me." Aditya tried to gain the attention of the busy constable.


"My car had been towed by a policeman."

The constable looked at him. "Are you Aditya Gupta?"

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