20 - "Don't lie!"

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"What about the witness for this hit and run case?" Pratap asked reading through a file.

"Sir there's only one man ready to testify against that driver." The constable replied.

"Only one?"

"Yes sir. That lane is a secluded one. On top of that there was not much traffic. This man was driving from the opposite side and witnessed the accident. The rest are poor people who don't want to fall into any trouble."

"Call that witness at the police station later today."

"Okay sir." The constable took the file and walked back inside.

Pratap took out his mobile and checked his messages. Suddenly his mobile was snatched from him. He looked up.

"Pramod uncle!" Pratap was surprised.

"Pratap , I want a straight and clear cut answer."

"About what uncle?"

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"With what?"

"Pratap it's been a week. I understand that you have many cases to look at. But you yourself agreed to help me then. If you were too busy, you could have just said."

Why is Pramod uncle talking about it now? Isn't that issue resolved?

"Pratap, I desperately need to know who that culprit is. That person seems to clearly want to destroy my family. And I can't let that happen."

"What? But she said..."

Everything's resolved now. That email was just a misunderstanding. All is well now.

But how come? What kind of misunderstanding?

I'll tell you everything later. First I need to tell dadu and Naren about it. They, dad and everyone needs to be relieved. But thanks for all your help.

She gave him a hug as well.

He needed to know everything. He wanted to know all the details, but he let her go at that moment. Already her family had been through a long anxiety phase.

"What did she say?"

"Pramod uncle, have you spoken to her since morning?"

"Spoken?" He scoffed. "She was barely seen at home during the past week. And especially since two days she looks more disturbed. Today morning, infact just twenty minutes ago she came down from her room. And when I or Naren tried to talk to her, she just walked away. She has never done s..."

His rant sounded as if he was explaining his granddaughter's behavioral symptoms to a psychologist instead of an inspector.

"Wait a minute, did you say twenty minutes back?"


But she came to meet him almost two hours ago. By now she should have revealed everything to her family. Wasn't it the reason she was in a hurry.

"Pramod uncle, who don't you go home. I'll look into the matter."

"Are you sure? Otherwise I can wait here. Maybe help you or something."

"No need of that uncle."

"Please Pratap, find out everything about this. I can't seem to understand what kind of danger is lurking over my family?"

And I can't seem to understand what is your granddaughter upto.

"Don't worry uncle. Now have you bought your car? Or should I arrange someone to drop you home?"

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