23 - "No sweetie. It's not you."

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"Hey everyone, good evening!" Nisha greeted her family at the dinner table. She pulled out her chair and sat.

"Good evening Nisha. Here take some rice."

"Thanks dadi." Nisha took the rice bowl from Avni. She served herself and her father who was seated right beside her to a couple of spoons. She placed the bowl at the centre and then helped herself to some curry.

"Dad." She passed the bowl.

Chirag who was seated opposite to her was animatedly explaining some cartoon character to Reena, Rishabh and Lavina.

"Naren, just try a little of these prawns," Shruti said holding the bowl over his plate.

"I don't want."

"They are fried. Just as you like them."

"I SAID I DON'T WANT." Naren stood abruptly. His chair falling behind him. He had an extremely tense expression on his face. He turned and walked away. Everyone at the table felt silent. Chirag looked confusedly at his father. Shruti looked down at her plate, but Nisha could noticed the year that escaped the corner of her eye.

"That is so unlike Naren." Rakesh remarked.

"Yeah." Pramod agreed. "Is something bothering him? Something at work." He looked at Nisha.

"No dadu. Nothing serious at work."

"Shruti. Do you know anything?"

All eyes turned to her. She glanced nervously at Reena.

"Momma, why is daddy angry again?" Chirag asked. "Did I do something?"

"No sweetie. It's not you." Shruti kissed his forehead.

"I'll go talk to him." Nisha stood up. "You all continue with dinner."

She followed Naren outside the house. He was seated on the steps. He was leaning forward as his forearms rested on his thighs.

She sat beside him. He lifted his head and looked at her. "You didn't have to leave dinner for me."

"I know I didn't. So I bought some with me." Nisha held the plate in front of them. "It's just some prawns and salad."

She pierced a prawn with her fork and ate it while he picked up a piece of cucumber.

"I shouted too loud in there, didn't I?"

Nisha nodded. "Chirag felt you were angry on him again."


"Naren, you need to control your anger. And stop bothering about that contract." Nisha took another bite.

"Yeah. But it's... Wait a minute." He turned to her. "How do you know?"

"I noticed it a couple of days back. I read the name and understood..." She looked at him. "It's okay Naren that you want to sign a contract with them. If you are worried that what I, dadu or Reena bua will say then don't be."

"Ma already knows about it."

"Ok. Then what's the problem. Are you afraid of dadu?"

"No. I don't even know what nanu will say. It's actually ma... Ma was furious when she heard about it. As per her I shouldn't sign that contract. I am a part of Kapoor family now. And signing a contract with Mathur's is not right."

"Naren. What I think is that..." She took an uneasy glance at him. "... Just because your mother and father have split, you don't need to end your relationship with him. And it isn't actually your father's contract, if I'm not wrong?"

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