14 - You are the culprit!

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Nisha parked her car along the curb and walked inside the cafe. She glanced around searching for him.

He was seated at a corner table with his back towards her. He was speaking to someone on his mobile. She walked to him.

When he noticed her presence he smiled and gestured for her to take the opposite seat. He then raised his index finger asking her to give him a minute. She nodded and leaned back in her chair.

"Okay papa. Enjoy... Yes...And call me once you get back... Hahaha... Tell her I love her too... Bye papa." He conversed over his mobile while tapping the folder he had bought with him.

Nisha knew that his parents lived in Bangalore. Aditya had shifted to Mumbai in search for a job and new house.

"Sorry about that," Aditya said and placed his mobile in the table. "Family call."

Nisha nodded. "So what was it that you couldn't tell me over the phone?"

"Straight to the point." Aditya muttered. He hen opened the folder and took out a sheet of paper.

"What is this?" Nisha asked.

"You better read it yourself."

Nisha frowned and started reading. But as she read her eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell? Where did you get this?"

"In the printouts of Nashik project. It seems like a mess up by the peon."

"This... this is disastrous!"

She read the sheet once again. It was an email.

Hello Mr Kapoor,
You are perfectly becoming one now. By name and using the money of Nina incorporation. Its time for your second installment. Just like the last time the amount is 2 crores. The drop has to be made at the location below on 20th December. Two things are to be kept in mind just like the last time - keep the bag and quietly leave and no informing the police. If you try anything smart then remember that file is with me. If I release it to the media you and Nina incorporation will be doomed.

Nisha placed her elbow on the table and rubbed her temple. She had no idea what should be done.

Mr Kapoor? Perfectly becoming one? By name?

She remembered Naren talking about the affidavit for change of surname. So was it Naren? She wondered what trouble had Naren got himself into. Since when was he being threatened? Was he even actually at fault? Or was this someone's trap?

"Have you told about this to anyone?"

"No Nisha. I thought it would be better to inform you about this first."

Just then her mobile rang. It was her grandfather calling. She just stared at caller ID for a few seconds contemplating whether she should pick up or not. Finally she picked up the call.
"Hello dadu."

"Come home at once."

"What happened dadu? Anything urgent?"

"We need to talk something important."

"Dadu, I am busy right now. Can we..."

"I DON'T CARE !!!"
Nisha flinched at his loud tone. Even Aditya looked at her.

"I want to see you at home in just fifteen minutes." Her grandfather continued. "Do you understand?"

"Yes dadu. I'm coming home right away. Nisha stood up and cut the call. She looked at Aditya. "I have to leave. Thank for telling me about this." She gestured to the email. "Please don't tell another soul about this. For now let it be just between you and me."

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