4 - "My cabin?"

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The doorbell rang. He blinked open his eyes. Shifting his weight on his left arm glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was six o'clock. Not that he had slept blissfully through the night, but he had finally been able to have a shuteye and enjoyed deep sleep for a while.

"Who is it so early?" He groaned and got up from the bed. He rubbed his eyes as he walked to the door and shouted Coming when the doorbell rang once again.

He opened the door. "Yes?"

"Are you Mr Aditya Gupta?" The man asked.


"Here is your key."

"This is my car key." Aditya surprisingly looked at the key as he took it from the man. "How come you have have it?"

"Your car has been repaired. A few parts have also been changed. So it won't break down now."

"Are you sure it is my car?"
Aditya remembered talking to Inspector who had told that the car was destroyed.

"Yes... If you are Aditya Gupte?" The man frowned at Aditya's confusion. "It's parked downstairs. The Black Honda CX 3456?"

"I am Aditya." He confirmed. "But who gave you this car?"

"I don't know. I was just given the work to deliver the car to this address."

"Okay. How much do I have to pay?"

"The services have been already paid for."

"Paid for?" Aditya frowned. His eyebrows furrowed. "Who paid for this?"

"You can come to the garage and ask the boss. I'll go now." The man replied a little irritated to being questioned.

"Okay. Thanks a lot."

Aditya wondered how could his car be repaired. He went downstairs to reconfirm and it was true. His car was indeed parked at the curb. He even parked it back in his alloted basement parking space. Did the officer destroy the wrong car? or Did he lie?

Back in the lobby of the building he checked his mailbox. After collecting the letters from it, he took the lift upstairs to his floor and entered his house.

He read the names on each envelope and tossed it aside on the table. "Electricity bill, SBI, Nina incorporation, Special foundation." He then lazily walked back to his bedroom.

He was about to sit on his bed. Just then something registered in his mind and he sprinted back to the table where he had thrown the letters.

He shuffled through the envelopes and picked up the one addressed by Nina incorporation. He tore the envelope open. As he read the letter a huge smile spread on his face. Nina incorporation had recruited him for the post of chief architect. He bumped his fist in the air and jumped.


As the letter said he could join from the same day he received the letter if possible, he decided to not waste another moment and get ready and reach office on time. The tension of not getting a job that had robbed his blissful sleep in the past few days, especially since the day his car broke down in front of the CEO's car, was over now.

After dressing up Aditya headed for office. He was so excited that he even missed to have breakfast. First he magically received back his car that too fixed and then the job. It felt as if his struggle was over and the happy days had arrived.

He hoped everything on his first day to go smoothly. He kept checking his hair and tie in the rearview mirror of the car at every signal. He could not leave any scope for mistakes anymore. God had luckily given him another opportunity and he decided to make the most of it.

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