11 - 1201

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Hello everyone,
First of all a very happy new year !!!
May this year be cheerful, magnificent, prosperous, colourful and rocking for all of us !!!
And may I receive plenty of votes for my story ; )

Aditya blinked open his eyes slowly to the soft sound of kids shouting and cheering. His neck felt stiff due to the uncomfortable position he was sleeping in. He stood up, streached his hands and let out a small yawn. He rested his arms on the railing of the balcony and looked down. A bunch of kids were running around and playing football. Another two kids were making a sand castle. Their parents who were seated on a mat a few steps away were looking lovingly at their kids. The sun was rising up slowly in the sky and he could feel warm rays on his arms.

He stepped back inside the room to freshen up. While walking to the bathroom he tripped over something. He looked behind to find her sneakers.

Last night when he returned to his room he just dropped them on the floor and walked to the balcony. He had been constantly thinking about her until he dozed off on the balcony floor itself. By now he understood that he definitely had feelings for her. I like her. And that's why he felt nothing wrong in the kiss they shared the night before.

But he could not say the same about her. He had no idea about her thoughts. She ran away before they could even talk about it. They were not drunk last night so it definitely was not a mistake. Also Nisha was not the girl who would randomly kiss any guy.

Did she regret it? Or Did she like it?
Was she angry? Will she blame me for making a move? Will she sack me? Or Will she initiate such a move once again?

He kept pondering over such thoughts. But the answers to all these questions were with her. So he decided to speak to her early the following morning.

At the moment, he checked his mobile which displayed the time 6:30. So they had complete three hours before they needed to leave for the airport. He took a quick shower and packed his bags. He picked up his mobile and opened the door of his room.

Her room was on the other side of the lobby. He was surprised to find the door open. The housekeeping staff was vacuuming the room.

"Good morning!" The lady wished. "Can I help you?"

"Good morning. Could you please tell me where the guest of this room is?"

"The guest checked out last night."

"Checked out? This is twelve o one right?" He re-read the numberplate on the door. It was indeed 1201. "Are you sure?"

"Yes sir. You can confirm this from the reception if you want."

Aditya rushed downstairs.
"Good morning. Could you please tell me if the guest from room number 1201 has checked out?" He asked the receptionist

"Sir, can I know the reason why are you asking so?"

"Look, I am Aditya. Aditya Gupta. Nisha Kapoor was staying in room 1201. We checked in together itself. And now she seems to have left. So I need you tell me whether she has checked out."

"Just a minute Mr Gupta." The receptionist typed while Aditya looked around impatiently.

"Yes. Miss Kapoor checked out last night itself. Your both room dues will be settled by Nina incorporation."

"Damn." Aditya ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He fished out his mobile from his pocket and dialled her number. But her mobile was switched off. He then dialed Naren's number. Naren and Shruti were staying at Shruti's uncle's place in Singapore itself.

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