27 - "Pointless?"

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Rakesh, Shruti and Chirag were seated at the dinning table having breakfast.

"Good morning Naren!" Rakesh greeted his nephew who entered the dinning area.

Naren stifled a yawn and greeted back. "Good morning Rakesh mama." He then pressed a kiss on Shruti's head before taking the chair beside her. "Good morning dear."

"Good morning. Mami is inside the kitchen preparing eggs. Go get your plate."

"No need of that." Prerna said steeping out of the kitchen. "Here's your plate, Naren." She placed it in front of him. "Help yourself to the toast, jam, butter and juice which are already on the table."

"Thanks mami."

She patted his shoulder. "You're welcome."
Her attention then turned to the stairs. Nisha was descending while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning my child."

"Good morning mom." Nisha hugged her mother sideways resting her head on her mother's shoulder for a moment. Prerna rubbed Nisha's arm lovingly.

"You sit. I'll bring your plate."

"Actually mom I'll have it in my room. Could you please make a plate for Adi too?"

"Sure." Prerna walked back in the kitchen.

"Aditya has come?" Rakesh asked.

"Yes dad." Nisha poured some juice into a fresh glass.

"Where is he?"

"He's sleeping in my room."

"Oh okay..." It took him a second to realise what she had said. "Wait! What?... Sleeping?... In your room?"

"Yes dad."

"But why?"

"What happened was yesterday night..." Nisha's voice trailed into a yawn.

"Yesterday night?" Rakesh asked impatiently.

"Nisha." Prerna came with a tray in her hand. "Take this."

"Wait a minute." Rakesh stood up. "Prerna..."

She put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him down to sit again. "Quiet for a moment." She looked back at Nisha. "Dear, if you need anything more just tell me."

"Thanks mom." Nisha made her way upstairs with the tray.

"Prerna why did you let her go? I guess you did not hear what she said. Aditya is sleeping in her room..."

"I heard that."

"What?! Even then you let her go?"

"Actually Rakesh, you haven't heard everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Naren, Nisha and Aditya were working till late night in her room."

Rakesh turned to Naren.

"Yes mama. Chill. Actually it's this new project we are working on."

"Oh... Ok." Rakesh leaned back in his chair. "What new project?"

"Mr Tandon wants to tie up with us for the construction of a new complex. Charlie actually recommended us to him."

"A new complex?"

Naren nodded. "And Mr Tandon wanted the new plan to be ready in three weeks."

"That's a very short span of time."

"Yes. Nisha and I were very reluctant to sign the project at first. But Aditya encouraged us. He said he would get the designs ready within the time limit. And he actually did it. Hates off to him! Mr Tandon is arriving tomorrow to have a look at the presentation. Yesterday we were having a final go at it."

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