2 - You are doomed

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It was about half past eight in the morning when he was driving to office while listening to songs on the radio.

Midway, suddenly the car slowed down. He pressed the accelerator. But then the car jest began jerking. He heard the car behind his honk. He switched off the radio and muttered softly. No No No No. He hoped that the car had just slowed down for a moment but would not stop.

But unfortunately the car did come to a halt. He turned the key in the ignition twice but in vain. Annoyed, he cursed and hit the steering wheel of the car.

He could not afford to reach late that the day as he had an interview at Nina Incorporation. He had worked hard on preparing the for the interview and wished to be recruited there.

Stepping out of the car he slammed the door shut. He ran a hand through his hair and kicked the tyre of the car. When he heard another honk, he turned to glare at the driver.

The driver then stepped out and shouted. "You?"

He realised it was the same girl he had embarrassed the day before.

"Now what is this new drama of yours?" She asked.

"This isn't any drama."

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her.

"My car has really broken down."

"And how has it broken down exactly in front of my car?"


"Listen Mr coincidence." She pointed the index finger of her right hand at him. "Yesterday morning I did not say anything and let go of the scene you created. But that does not mean I will tolerate such nonsense."

"Yesterday was different. It was my mistake. But today I am not doing any drama."

Before she could say anything further he continued. "Anyway, I don't have time for this." He opened the rear door of his car and took out his bag and files. "Which way is the metro?"

She pointed her thumb in the direction behind her.

"Okay," he said and started walking.

"What about your car?"

"What about it?"

"Aren't you going to move it?"

"I don't have that much time. And anyway others are overtaking." He gestured in the direction of cars passing by.

While adjusting his bag on his shoulder the files from his hand fell down. A few papers scattered around. She helped him to collect them and put them in a file.

"Do you want a lift?" She asked him.


She nodded.

"That would be great."

Just then his mobile rang. He answered the call while she opened her car door and sat inside. She started the car and honked. When he looked at her she motioned him to sit.

She hit the accelerator and started driving. On purpose she zoomed past his car speedily hardly missing it by an inch.

She glanced at him. He was glaring at her.

"What?" She shrugged. "You only said people can overtake."

He turned away and outside the window. He was not going to argue with the lady that was going to drop him at the office.

"Where to?" She asked him.

"Nina incorporation."

"Important meeting?" She glanced at him again. He was in a professional attire today unlike the sweatpants he had worn the day before. She also noticed that he had shaved and set his hair.


"Okay... Good Luck!"


In about 10 minutes they reached Nina incorporation.

"Thank you so much." He glanced at her before he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

He looked up at the tall glass building with Nina incorporation written in bold and giant letters with its logo beside it. It was a very reputed company and thus a great place to work.

He had applied as an intern earlier too, but unfortunately he could not get the job. At the moment, four years later he tried his luck once again.

He walked up the steps to the entrance. He checked his watch which read 8:52. He let out a sigh. He still had eight minutes.

"Good morning." He greeted the receptionist.

"Good morning."

"I am -."

"Aditya Gupta."
He turned to the voice as it continued. "Here for the interview for the position of architect in our new project. Right?"

He gulped. You are finished, Aditya.

He was surprised to find her standing a few steps away. As she too was standing in the lobby, he deduced that she would be working in the same office. He hoped that atleast she worked in some different department.

She held out her hand. "Hi. I am Nisha Kapoor..."

Oh shit! His mouth fell open in shock. Not just finished Aditya. You are doomed.

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