21 - "Vanilla latte."

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Aditya informing about the email. Doubting Naren. Furious Pramod. Being chucked out of the post of CEO. Taking Pratap's help. Spying. Shocked to see Rakesh. Confront Rakesh. Actually it's Rishabh. Rishabh's reasons. Karan's ultimatum. Sneaking into Karan's place. Getting the file. Angry Karan. Karan tries to shoot. Pratap and Aditya step in the right moment to save Nisha.

These formed the list of events that occurred in the past week with Nisha. She narrated everything to her family, Aditya and Pratap; filling in the loopholes through the details they knew.

They all were seated in the living room of their house. Nisha was happy that everything was sorted and finally in the open.

"What the hell Nisha! What if he actually shot you?" Pramod shouted. He could not believe what he heard. Especially the part of her sneaking in the Malhotra house. And Karan with his gun? What if something happened to Nisha?

"Dadu..." She sat beside him on the armrest of the couch. She side hugged him. Pramod looked away.

"Don't." He warned. "First of all you easily agreed to leave office just on my word. Secondly after getting to know about Rishabh's mistakes you continued to keep it to yourself. And third you decided to handle Karan yourself."

"Sorry dadu. I'm sorry that I hid all of this till now from you. But dadu, I did not want you to fall in all these matters. Handling Karan was dangerous."

"Oh really? So what were you thinking when you faced him alone? Wasn't it dangerous for you alone?"

"I could not let any harm get to you. Or any of my family member for that matter." She felt shivers running down her spine, just by recollecting that horrific dream. "Dadu, please forgive me. Everything's sorted now. It's all in the past."

Not just Pramod but the whole family was furious at Nisha. She just thought about her family's life but not even for a moment about herself.

Next Pramod lashed out on Rishabh and Rakesh.

"Sorry papa," Rishabh said. "I know that I have committed a terrible mistake. And I take full responsibility for it. But please forgive me."

"Not at all. I am really disappointed in you Rishabh. You could have easily asked us for help."

"Exactly." Rakesh added.

"You too are no less Rakesh. Even after getting to know about it, you hid this from all of us. Great! Both my sons are just great!" Pramod shook his head in dismay.

"Pramod." Avni placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down now. Whatever had to happen has happened. The main conclusion is that our complete family is safe. Isn't that what matters?"

"Yes Avni, but..."

"No buts. No more remembering about this incident and no more scolding. I guess everyone needs some rest now. Let's go to our respective rooms and meet later for dinner."

As Pramod passed Rishabh and Rakesh, he glared at his sons. Indirectly giving them the message that the conversation was not over yet. Rishabh gulped. But this is what he had to face for all the mistakes he commited. Atleast the damage to the company was avoided.

Pratap and Aditya too stood up to leave.

"Thank you Pratap." Nisha walked to him. "You arrived on time today and saved me."

"Actually thanks to Aditya. It's because he knew about Karan, we could track him. And further get to you." He shook her hand. She stepped forward to hug him but he took a step back. "No no no. No more hugs from you. Or later on I'll get to know that you robbed my handcuffs too."

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