19 - "Your name tag."

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When Nisha rushed down the stairs that evening she bumped into Pramod. He fondly looked at her. They had been avoiding each other the whole week.

Nisha just started at her grandfather for a moment. Scenes from the dream flashed in front of her eyes. A tear escaped the corner of her eye. Just two more days dadu. She was not bothered about going to office or getting her position back. Her current priority was safeguarding the respect of the family and their security. Before she could breakdown, she rushed away from there.

Pramod wanted to stop her and speak to her. It was killing him to see his already quiet granddaughter become even more distant from him.

Being the doting granddaughter, she followed his orders to not enter the office. He noticed that she spent most of her day out which worried him. But then he got to know that Naren would get regular updates about her. It calmed him a bit.

It was becoming difficult to keep the reason of his harsh behaviour towards Nisha a secret. There were constant questions from Naren, which he could not answer. Also with the sudden arrival of Rishabh and Lavina, he had to be more careful. Sometimes he felt as if his sons were hiding something from him. But that hardly bothered him at the moment. He had something else to work on and that was to nab the culprit.

That inspector was also not helping him properly. He had spoken to Inspector Pratap but received no effective response on it. Somehow Pramod felt that Pratap was not even trying, so he had to find someone else who could help him. But he had no idea whom to approach.

She stood outside the back entrance contemplating on her decision. She questioned herself once more. But she had to take the risk. If she got what she had come here for, it would be a success. But if she got caught, the situation would worsen.

No. No. No negative thoughts. Just go in and get it.

She stood along with a couple of more waitresses. They were all dressed in black with masks.

The manager instructed. "Your job is to serve drinks. Pick a tray from the bar and circle around the room. Okay?"

Everyone nodded and did as instructed.

She walked to the bar to pick a tray. There were three in line waiting before her. She glanced around. The party had just begun, but there was no sign of the hosts yet.

The guy in front of her turned and smiled. "Pooja..." He hugged her.

She pulled back quickly. "Don't hug me."

"Why baby, are you still angry about that dinner?"

She remained silent.

"Wait a minute." He frowned. "You aren't Pooja."

"I am. You.. you." She stuttered. " You just can't recognise me because of this mask."

"Oh yeah. You totally are Pooja. Because just within a day you managed to increase your height by almost two inches. Also you dyed your hair black." He raised an eyebrow.

Oh god! She had hardly stepped in this place and was caught.

She held his hand and pulled him to a corner. "Look, I'll pay you enough. Just keep your mouth shut."

"What the hell! Who are you and where is my Pooja?"

"Aman, your Pooja is at her house, probably watching some movie or sleeping or just whiling away her time. Don't worry."

"Wait. How do you know my name?"

She rolled her eyes. "Your name tag."

"Oh." He sheepishly smiled. "But why are you in her place?"

"I am here to take something back which the owner has stolen."

"You mean..."

"Pooja... Pooja." They heard a voice in the background.

"Shit, it's the manager." Aman quickly got up and scrammed away.

She turned to her right and saw the manager.

"Aren't you Pooja?"

"I am Pooja."

"Then pay attention!" He scolded. "Now remember two things. Or you will surely lose your job this time. One, you are here to serve drinks an not gulp them down yourself. And second, there's going to be music and dancing. So you have to handle the tray with care and not drop even a single glass. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

Wow! No wonder Pooja easily agreed to switch places. Pooja had probably bought her first crate of beer with the money and was dancing away to some loud tunes.

Nisha nodded and fixed her mask before getting back to work. All the best!

It was almost two hours into the party. Things had been going on smoothly for her. She served drinks while keeping an eye over the hosts around her. Luckily for her that Aman guy agreed to keep his mouth shut and even helped her. He kept switching empty trays for her filled ones.

She noticed that people around her were getting drunk. In some time she would make her move. She had to get into the study of the house. The thing she was searching for had to be most probably in the study.

"Sorry." She apologized to the guy she bumped into. But when she saw his face she quickly turned and tried to walk away.

"Wait." He stepped beside her.

She shut her eyes in fear. She could smell the alcohol reeking off him. He was clearly drunk. Celebrating his upper hand over her doom! But had he recognised her in this drunken state as well?

He picked up a full glass from her tray and placed and empty one in it.

"Off you go." He smacked her rear and walked away. She was disgusted and relived as well. At least he had not recognised her. Which meant she could continue with her plan. But she thought it was better to execute it soon.

On the pretext of an emergency call, she stepped out of the noisy room in the direction of the stairs. She kept glancing behind her to check it anyone followed her.

She was about to climb the steps to the first floor when she heard some voices. She quickly ducked behind the stairs.

A couple was climbing down. The guy had his arm around her waist and whispered something in her ears to which the girl giggled. Both clearly looked wasted.

She just waited patiently for the couple to leave. When she couldn't hear their footsteps anymore she rushed upstairs.

There was not much light except for a few lamps burning in the lobby. There were rooms on either side of her. Without wasting even a moment she walked to the first door.  She opened the door slowly and stepped inside. It was dark so she took out her mobile and switched on the torch. The room was a gym.

She faced similar disappointment in the following rooms, which turned out of be utility room, gaming room, lounge and bathroom.

She was about to step out of the sixth or seventh room, when someone pushed her back inside the room. She was pinned to the wall and a hand cupped her mouth. She struggled to get away.

"Searching for this Miss Kapoor?" He said and raised the file to her eye level.

All the colour drained out of her face. She gulped in fear.

Karan has caught Nisha? :( Will she get saved or will her nightmare come true?

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