12 - "Ex fiancé."

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Nisha was surfing through channels on the television while seated on the couch in the living room of the house. Bruno sat at her feet with his head resting on her knees. She softly stroked his head.

"Good night, my child." Rakesh kissed her forehead. He then bent down and patted Bruno's back.

"Good night dad... Good night mom."
Prerna who was at the stairs yawning gave her a flying kiss.

It was past eleven in the night and everyone else had retired to their rooms for the day. Nisha thought that she should head to bed as well, but then she had a doubt whether she would be able to sleep. Her mind always wandered to the person she strictly wished to avoid.

She glanced at the flowers in the vase on the centre table. Luckily without a question, her mother arranged them in a vase. She had thought at first to dispose them off before reaching home itself, but somehow she could not get herself to actually do it. Something inside her was stopping here and she had no idea why.

The intercom rang. She walked to it and picked up the receiver wondering who had come so late.

"Ma'am, Mr Aditya Gupta is here to meet you."

Oh god! He had come home. She had purposely sent him the letter through Myra so that she did not need to face him. Naren was suspicious of her decision to transfer Aditya and had even questioned her about it.  But she somehow made an excuse and handled the situation then.


"Oh yes sorry. Let him in."

Nisha took a deep breath and opened the door. As she saw him walking towards her from the gate, she stepped outside the house and shut the door behind her.

"So, you transferred me?" He started getting straight to the point.

"Good evening to you too Mr Gupta or should I say good night." She replied in a formal tone.

"Cut the crap, Nisha."

"Excuse me." She was surprised when he raised his voice.

"You got me transferred so you can avoid me. Isn't it also the reason why you left abruptly from Singapore?"

"Avoid you." She scoffed. "Why would I do that? And as far as me leaving Singapore is concerned, I had an urgent meeting with the lawyer."

"Bullshit. You left because you started to develop feelings for me, which you realised after the kiss we shared."

She was surprised at the language he used.

"That meant nothing... It just-just...happened in the moment."

"Oh really? So you did not feel anything?"

"Nothing at all." She crossed her arms.

He took three quick steps towards her to stand right in front of her. She looked away. He placed his index finger below her chin and turned her face to him.

He asked softly. "Do you feel something now?"

She shook her head sideways but did not break the eye contact. His black orbs staring intently at her. He traced his finger on her cheek and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, his gaze never leaving hers. She gulped.

"Still nothing?" He asked to which she once again shook her head.

He sneaked his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. She let out a shriek and gripped his shoulders. His face was just inches apart from her. Her breath became uneven and she felt anxious.

And just like the beach she wished to close the distance between them once again. She subconsciously leaned forward.

Just then something glistened and caught her eye. Her gaze moved towards her hand, to the shining object. The diamond on the ring. Mayur's ring.

She pushed Aditya and took a few steps back herself. What was I doing? She felt guilty. Guilty of forgetting him, his love, his promise.

"See just like the other day." She looked up at Aditya as he continued. "You give in just until you realise something."

"It's time you realise something Aditya. I have feelings for only one guy and he is my fiancé Mayur."

"Ex fiancé." He corrected.

"So what?" She spat. Tears brimmed in her eyes. "He gave me this ring." She fondly looked at it. "With a promise to love me and take care of me for the rest of his life. Now just because he is no more, how can I break that promise?"

"Exactly Nisha. He is no more," he said softly. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms soothingly. "You can't fulfill this two way promise alone."

She looked at him teary eyed. "Why are you doing this Aditya? If you think that you can take his place then let..."

"I don't want his place Nisha." He cut her off. "Infact no one can take his place. But I want my own place. And not just as a colleague when we can be friends. We can be something more."

"Never." She shook her head vigorously.

"Stop being adamant Nisha."

"You are the one being adamant. You are just thinking about yourself. You can never understand my pain. You haven't lost someone you loved."

Aditya's hands dropped to his side. "You aren't the only one who knows everything Nisha. You are right, I cannot understand your pain. But I have suffered something more painful. I too lost a close person... a very close person... my...my brother."

Nisha looked up at him. The always bright face had lost all colour. He turned away and continued. "Since childhood I had been very close to Ahaan. He was everything for me- my brother, my friend, my mentor, my support... " A lone tear dropped down his cheek. "How long did you know Mayur? Four years? Five years at the max. I have lived with my brother for 20 years. He was the best. I always looked up to him even more than my parents. After graduation when he shifted to a new place, he took me as well. Even after he got married he persuaded me to continue staying with them. Mihika was a wonderful person as well. Mihika, his wife. We soon became good friends. But it all ended after that unfortunate incident... which took away both of them..."

Aditya was now crying looking at the sky.

"I'm sorry." Nisha meekly said from behind.

"Nisha." He wiped his tears and turned to face her. "You are yearning for the love of a person who is never going to return."

They held their gaze for a moment.

"I think you should go now Aditya."


"Please go Aditya... please."

Aditya let out a sigh and turned to leave. Nisha too entered her house and shut the door. When she turned she saw Prerna standing at the dining table. She walked towards her mother and hugged her tightly. Prerna hugged Nisha back and stroked her hair. A few seconds later Nisha pulled back and walked away without a word. Prerna dejectedly looked at her daughter make her way up the stairs to her room.

Prerna had almost heard the entire conversation. She had not met Aditya but had heard about him being a part of the company.

Rakesh and Prerna always hoped that Rahul will be the one to change her life and bring happiness and love once again in her life. But listening to the conversation right now, she doubted if anyone could change her daughter's heart. She understood that something happened in Singapore. And she did not want to pry and find out those details. The only thing she wanted to know was if her daughter could have a chance to get back love in her life. Could Nisha Love? Once again?

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