30 - Her?

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Nisha stepped outside the elevator with two cups of coffee in her hand. One being her regular expresso and the other was a vanilla latte for Aditya. By now she had understood that he never liked his coffee black. It had to be always with some milk or cream.

She had almost reached his cabin when her father and Aditya stepped out of it.

"Dad what are you doing here?"

Both of them were surprised and looked at Nisha.

Rakesh glanced at Aditya and nodded before walking towards her. "Just wanted to have a chat with Aditya."

She looked back at Aditya who was now at the elevator. She noticed he was nervous and constantly fidgeting with his mobile. Tapping it on his palm.

"About what?"

"Ummm... Nothing. Just... Ummm... Told him never to hurt you. Always take care of you..."

"Not you too dad."

"Who else?"


"He's your elder brother. He's bound to threaten Aditya."

"Looking at Adi, it seems that you scared the hell out of him."

"He should be. He's dating my daughter."

"Dad, he looks too frightened. Let me go talk to him."

"No Nisha." Rakesh stopped her. "He just needs some fresh air. So he is going downstairs. He'll be fine."

"But dad..."

"Don't argue Nisha. Now come on..." He put his arm around her shoulder and led her to her cabin. "Show me that file about Mr Sora's project."

The next morning Nisha was relieved to see Aditya back to his normal self. The earlier day they had just exchanged a few words. She could sense his tense attitude.

"Good morning. Here's your expresso."

"Thanks." Nisha said taking the cup from him.

"Sorry about yesterday. I was a little disturbed."

"It's fine. I know dad scared you a lot. But don't worry that's just in the initial... He has appreciated you though."

"Whew! Thank god. So I'll take it that I have passed the family test."

"Now I'm worried about mine... So when I get to meet your folks?"

His gaze fell. "Soon." He stood up and gave her a tight smile. "I'll see you at lunch."

Nisha had noticed this thing about him. Whenever the chat turned to his parents or family, he either avoided it or changed the topic. She assumed the reason was that it reminded him about his brother. Nisha too didn't push him on that topic. She was ready to wait until he was comfortable. He had been patient with her. She had to do the same.

Aditya's mobile vibrated in his pocket as he stepped out of her cabin. He took it out and checked the caller ID.

"Hello ma," he said after accepting the call.

"Hello Aditya. How are you? How is your work? Are you eating properly?"

"Typical ma you are. Always asking me about my food."

"I will worry about you. You are staying alone there. And you hardly know to cook."

"Ma, I am managing quite well here. I know a few everyday dishes and that's enough for me. Plus in these months I've learnt a few new ones too."

"That's great. Make sure to keep those new dishes ready to taste when we come. Oh, my boy is growing so big.

"Ma, I am 27 years old man now. I have already grown."

"For me you will always be growing."

"Fine ma. How are you? How is papa?"

"I'm good. And your papa is actually very active and calorie conscious these days. He has downloaded this new app on his mobile that records the number of steps he walks, the amount of calories he burns, his heart rate and what not. It has become a competition between him and his friends at the park. You should see now how excited he gets to go for a walk in the morning."

"That's good ma. It will keep his health in check."

"Yes. But I don't want him to overdo it."

"Hmm... Ma,... How is she?"

"She's fine Aditya. But she keeps asking about you. Your calls are not enough." Aditya's mother took a long pause. "Adi, did you tell Nisha about her?"


"You need to tell her son. You can't keep Nisha in the dark for long."

"But Ma, I don't want to lose Nisha."

"You won't. The way you have described her, I'm sure she's quite understanding... Look Adi, Nisha has a right to know about your past."

"I know ma."

"So when are you coming to Bangalore? You need to tell her about Nisha too."

"That scares me even more. What if she refuses."

"Then you have to make her understand. She is your past and Nisha is your future. You have to tell each of them. I'm sure they will comprehend to it."

"Okay... Ma, Nisha's father knows about her."

"How does he know?"

"He said he has his sources."

"He's a big man. For his daughter, he was bound to do some snooping. But then Nisha? He hasn't told Nisha?"

"No. He understood my situation and has no issues with it. He said it wasn't his place to reveal about her to Nisha. But he just told me the sooner the better."

"He's right Adi. Find out the best time as soon as possible and reveal everything to Nisha."

"I will ma. I have to work now ma. I'll call you later. Bye. Love you."

"Bye son. Take care. Love you too."

To all my readers,
Thanks for reading my story.

I know this is a very short chapter. But I promise the next one will be long.

So a new mysterious SHE ? Who do you think she is? And what was her role in Aditya's past?

When Nisha will learn about her, how will Nisha react? Will Aditya be able to leave his past? Will Nisha accept his past?

Too many questions, but only one answer READ. Continue reading my story to get to know about this mysterious new entry.

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Happy reading !!!

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