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"Adi, have you really thought this through?" He asked.

Aditya frowned and looked up at him. Aditya's hand which was holding a pen hovered above the paper. "What do you mean?"

He put his arm around Aditya's shoulder and bent down to Aditya's ear. "I mean, you are taking a huge step. Are you ready for it? Look at her... Look at her carefully and think once again."

Aditya looked at her, staring for a moment. She did look a bit nervous. Is she too feeling nervous like me?

"I hope you know the consequences of signing this. Your life will completely change. Do you want that change?"

On cue her gaze turned up to him. She pushed back her glasses on her nose and gave him a smile. That one gesture of her smiling answered all his questions. It confirmed his decision once again. He knew what he wanted, something he had been dreaming of since so long and today he was going to get it.

"Do you want to lose your freedom? Your bachelor life? Do you really want to get married?..."

Aditya jerked his shoulder and shoved the guy away.

"Owww... What's wrong with you bro?"

"What's wrong? You are wrong..." Aditya sent him a glare. "What nonsense are you talking? And that too at this moment... I..."

"What happened?" Nisha asked worriedly, seated beside him.

"Nothing sweetheart... I am just kicking out Ruchit from here."

"What did he do now?" Sameer chuckled from behind.

"Speaking nonsense... Just get him out of here before I loose my patience."

"Chill bro. Chill. I was just joking," Ruchit said.

"Shut up!"

Ahem. The registrar cleared his throat. "Mr, are you going to sign?"

"Ofcourse." Aditya immediately put signed at the alloted place.

"Your witnesses?"

Shruti and Sameer stepped forward to sign.

"Congratulations Mr Aditya Gupta and Mrs Nisha Kapoor! You two are now officially married."

"Not Kapoor. I'm Mrs Gupta. Right Mr Gupta?" Nisha looked at Aditya.

"What can I say? The boss is always right."

Nisha hit his arm while others laughed.

"Come on. Let's go home now." Shruti said and exchanged a knowing glance with Sameer. The four of them left the registration office.


Nisha and Aditya were indeed surprised to see their families in the living room of their house.

"So how do you like the gift?" Ruchit placed his hand on their shoulders and guided them forward.

"You planned this party?" Nisha asked.


"Whoa. Don't take all the credit," Parth said. "Me, Sameer, Ruchit and Payal have together made the arrangements."

"We couldn't decide what gift to get you. So we decided to arrange for a party." Payal added.

"Thank you so much guys. This is beautiful!" Nisha glanced around the decorated room. At every corner there were flowers beautifully arranged in vases. The dining table was laden with starters and salads. At a side table there were some liquor and soft drink bottles with glasses lined up in front.

Love... Once Again ! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now