26 - The things I do for you Nisha!

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A 100 reads !!!!!
Yayyy !!!!!
(Fist bump in the air) ✊
I feel like I've reached one milestone.

A huge thanks to all of you for reading my book !!!!!

Another thanks to the voters as well !!!!!
Special thanks to NikitaKumari1
Your votes have been an encouragement for me to write further.
Thanks to suvarnalathadevarako and Amirtha030797 as well.

Keep reading! Keep sharing! Keep voting!
Happy reading!

And on that note here's a short chapter.

"Sanchi?" Nisha stepped beside her.

Sanchi was standing at the window staring outside with her arms crossed in front.

"Why did you invite me Nisha?" She asked still looking out.

"Why? What happened? Did anyone say something to you?"


"Who?" Nisha asked and wondered who could it be, inspite of her giving everyone a warning.


"Everyone?" Her eyebrows rose in confusion.

Sanchi nodded. "Everyone here is being so nice to me. Especially your mother. I feel so guilty. I actually shouldn't be here and..."

"Whoa... Hold on. Why are you feeling guilty? You did nothing wrong."

Sanchi finally looked up at Nisha. "How are you so... How come you don't hate me. I was... I was in..." She hesitated.

"In love with Mayur." Nisha completed. "And he was in love with you too. So what? At this point I have two options. One to either hate you both and spend another few years mourning about it. Or two I can simply forget about it, move on and make another friend like you. Frankly the second option sounds more viable and much less of a headache." Nisha herself let out a chuckle at the end.

"You are really a very sweet and understanding person Nisha. Mayur was right."

"Right about what?"

"That you would understand us. You were the first of his friends he wanted to introduce me to."


"Yes. But I was actually hesitant. Because you were his ex. I mean which ex would like to meet the potential girlfriend. But Mayur said that you two were great friends and had an understanding."

"That's right. During our breakup period too, we were friends, as it was a mutual one. We both had got busy in our work schedules. But business related or not, we occasionally had our fun chats."

"If only his parents were not so negative about us!"

Both fell silent for a few minutes. Nisha wondered if Mayur had not suffered that unfortunately heartattack and continued with he charade if marrying her, will he have ever revealed to her about his relationship with Sanchi or how his parents forced him to get engaged? Will she have always remained in the dark about it?

Nisha shook her head and pushed those thoughts away. She didn't need to think about it now or ever. She looked at her hands and noticed that she was still wearing the ring. Habituated to it, it had not struck to her that she needed to take it off.

Letting out a low sigh, she twisted the ring off her finger. There was a whitish patch at that place on her skin now. She stared at the ring.

"Sanchi. This ring was actually meant for you. You are the rightful bearer of it. But I hope you don't mind if I don't hand it over to you. I don't want to keep it but infact just dispose it off."

"Nisha." Sanchi held her hand. "The day Mayur made you wear that ring, it became yours. I understand that you have memories wih it. So you can do whatever you wish to with it."

Nisha smiled. And that is how they both knew that Mayur's chapter was to be shut down. He would always be just memory now.

Aditya took a last glance at Nisha once they reached his car. She was staring at the ground and seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

"Okay Nisha. I'll see you tomorrow at office," he said and was about to open the door when she stopped him.

"Adi." She held his hand and turned him to face her. He noticed that she had been wanting  to tell him something, but was hesitant.

"Nisha?" He softly asked. "Is something bothering you?"

She finally looked up and met his eye. She  just stared at his face for a moment. Then suddenly she wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him. Taken aback by her sudden gesture, he stumbled a step back and held the car to balance himself.


She spoke as she rested her head on his chest. "Thank you Adi. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have never got to know the truth about Mayur... You were right. I was living in my delusional world. Thank you for bringing me out of it... Thank you for finding me. Thank you for bringing me home."

He wrapped his arms around her completing the hug. "You don't need to thank me Nisha."

"Yes, I do. And infact I need to apologise too. I insulted and behaved so rudely with you. It wasn't right on my part. Inspite of that you are being nice. You are really a great friend Adi."

He held her arms and pulled her away from him

"What happened Adi?" She asked confused.

"On one hand you call me a friend and on the other, you thank and apologize too... Haven't you heard that saying? Dosti me no sorry no thank you!"

Nisha let out a chuckle. "But I still feel so bad." She looked at her feet.

"Hey." He placed his index finger under her chin and turned her face up. "Don't you dare feel bad about anything. It was a phase, all in the past... So forget about it."

She nodded.

"Now give me your signature smile."

The corners of her lips turned upwards, making his smile too. He studied her face. Her wavy jet black hair, falling in her shoulders. Her black rimmed glasses making her look tense and innocent at the same time. Her hazel eyes looking intently at her. Her slightly rounded cute nose. The dimple on her right cheek. And lastly her soft pink lips. Those lips which had once felt warm on his. Those lips which he wanted to capture once again with his. But he understood that this wasn't the right moment. If he had waited till now, he could wait a bit more too. The things I do for you Nisha!

He tucked the loose strands of hair falling on her cheek behind her ear. He then leaned forward and kissed he forehead. He let his lips linger for a long moment before pulling back.

He once again looked her in the eye. "Nisha keep smiling. Cause the dimple that comes up when you smile is one of your best features."

As he drove off in his car Nisha looked on. And for the first time in a couple of years she could feel the heat rise in her cheeks.

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