24 - Sanchi Dutta

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Nisha heard a knock on her door and looked up from her laptop. "Adi! Come in. Why are you knocking?"

"Nisha, I need to tell you something."


"Actually Nisha... Ummm..."

"Yes Adi?" She encouraged.

But he kept mum. Nisha noticed how he was fidgeting with his fingers and held a weary look.

"What happened Adi? Why do you look so tensed?"

"Nisha, first promise me that you will listen to what I have to say and not overreact on it."

"What did you do Adi?" She narrowed her gaze.

"I didn't do anything."

"Then?... Adi just tell me what's wrong."

"It's actually about..."

"About what?"

"He was... He..." Aditya looked away trying to choose his words.

"Who he?" Nisha was getting impatient. "For god's sake Adi, just spill it out."

"Mayur was cheating on you."

For a moment Nisha just started at him, as if she couldn't believe her ears. But looking at Aditya's dismal expression, she realised that she had heard it right.

Nisha snapped at him. "What the hell Adi! Are you crazy? Are out drunk or something? What the hell are you saying?"

"The truth Nisha. He was cheating on you."

"Don't." She warned. She stood up.

"Your engagement..." He added.

"Shut up. Just shut up!" She was shouting on top of her voice now. A small crowd had gathered outside her cabin. Never had Nisha's employees seen her so wild. One of them suggested to call Naren. But Myra informed that he was at the other office, busy in a meeting.

"What kind of a guy you are Aditya? Oh wait I'll tell you... You are an egoistic bastard who cannot handle a rejection. You thought that if I cannot make a direct place in her life, I will put the ex to shame right?"

"Nisha. Trust me."

"No way Aditya. I am not going to have any further conversation with a scumbag like you."

"Did you just call me a scumbag?" He shook his head in frustration. "Nisha, I am here to speak about your well-being. I'm trying to bring you out of your delusional world."

"How did you even think that I'll believe this crap? I have complete trust on Mayur... Even today. I know he can never do so. I think this is just a desperate attempt. A cheap stunt..."

"Enough Nisha." He cut her off abruptly. "I don't know when that magic of Mayur will drop down off your head. I understand that right now you won't believe me. But if even for a moment you thought of me as a true friend, just go to the address I've texted you." He walked to her desk and locked gaze with her. He then said in a low voice. "If I would have been desperate, things between us would have escalated long back." He turned and left without sparing her another glance. The crowd outside the cabin made way for him.

After a moment she walked to the cabin door. "What?" She spat at the crowd outside.

"Nothing Nis... ma'am."

"Then get back to work."

Everyone scrambled back to their desks.

She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her temples. She realised that she had unnecessarily snapped at the others with no fault of theirs.

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