25 - "You are a glutton."

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Aditya was sprawled on his bed. He shut his alarm clock when it rang. It was of no use though as he had not slept even a wink the previous night. He knew he had to get ready for office, but somehow he couldn't even step out of the bed. With hands below his head he just stared at the ceiling. The only thing that kept playing in his mind was Nisha's face filled with rage. He had no intention to make her angry. But her mind had the image of a perfect Mayur and he had to break that.

A little while later his mobile rang. He stretched his hand to the bedside table and picked it up. Rahul Adani The name foashed on through true caller. Aditya wondered why was he calling.


"Is Nisha with you?"

"No." Aditya sat up straight. "Why?"

"Dammit." Rahul cursed. Then as if telling someone else in the background Rahul said," she isn't there too."

"Rahul, what happened?"

"Nisha abruptly left from office yesterday. She hasn't returned home since then. Her mobile is also switched off."

There was disturbance on the line for a moment before Aditya heard Naren's voice. "Aditya, what did you tell her yesterday?"

"Oh no..." Aditya rubbed his temples in frustration.

"What?... Hello hello Aditya hello..."
But Aditya had cut the call.

Aditya picked up a random t-shirt to wear over his trackpants He picked up his car keys and wallet before rushing to his car.

He drove to Sanchi's house. He rang her doorbell impatiently.

"Had Nisha come here?" He asked just as the door opened.

"Yes. Last night..."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Do you have any idea where she could be? When did she leave?"

"Right after our talk, she silently left."


"Aditya... wait... what happened?"

He dashed out from there too and started his car. As he drive around he tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He stopped at a corner. "Nisha where are you?" Frustrated he ran a hand through his hair and looked around. He noticed the Starbucks ahead and remembered the first time he and Nisha had eaten something out. He remembered how she kept looking outside at the...

He put the car in gear once again and started driving. "Hope you are there Nisha."

His car made a screeching halt at the entrance of the building. He got out and slammed the door shut before entering the building.

"Nisha. Nisha...." He scanned through the nameplates. "Mayur." He located the name and headed towards the lift.

He reached the twenty first floor and rang the bell. But received no response. When he knocked the door, he realised that it was open.

"Nisha." He called out as he stepped inside. The whole room was a shambles.

Crunch he looked down to see that he had stepped on glass pieces. To his right a glass partition was broken. He assumed it was broken by the bat fallen down beside it.

He further walked inside and saw photographs destroyed on the ground. Photographs of Nisha, Mayur, their families. He opened a door to his left. It was a kitchen which thankfully looked normal. Nothing seemed to be knocked down there. The next door was open with paint stains on the floor. He carefully made his way around the paint.

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