35 - I love you !

172 9 3

A/N -
I apologise for the delayed update.

Ring ! Ring !

Please pick up...

Ring ! Ring !

Please... Please...

Call end.

Aditya leg out a sigh and leaned back in his seat.

One month. It had been a month since he had seen her or spoken to her or even chatted with her. After their last abruptly ended conversation in the hospital Nisha had been avoiding him. She had even stopped coming to the head office.

When he asked her secretary, the secretary informed him that Nisha was working from their Navi Mumbai branch office. All her meetings were conducted either at the branch itself or at any hotel conference. When he asked Naren, Naren said that he didn't want to fall in their couple matters.

Couple matters? Nisha and I? Are we still a couple? Are we even friends now? What's going on in your mind Nisha? Please, talk to me. Clear it out. I can't live like this. I can't live without you.

He scrolled through the gallery of his laptop and stopped at one photo. Their selfie in Singapore, in front of the Merlion. She had surprised him by pulling him down to her shoulder level before clicking the picture. She looked so innocent and beautiful. He always found her beautiful even with those thick rimmed glasses.

His mobile rang. He reached for it hoping it was Nisha.

Anuj Gupta. The caller ID flashed.

"Hi papa."

"Aditya, where are you? Have you finished your work?"

"Yes dad. I am leaving office in five minutes. I'll be home soon."

"No son, don't come home."


"We have come to see a place and we seem to like it." Aditya's parents along with Diya were going to shift with Aditya. They had sold their Bangalore house and were looking for new places in Mumbai.

"Now?" He glanced at the time at the corner of his laptop. "Papa, it's past nine."

"Yes. The broker bought us here. Son, why don't you too come down and see it."

"Papa, if you all have liked it then..."

"No. You have to come here and see it. Atleast have a look before we get into talks with the owner. Afterall the house is going to be on your name."

"Ummm... Okay. Send me your location. I'm leaving right away."

"Ok son. Bye."

Aditya shut down his laptop and packed his bag. Once he received the location from his father, he booked a cab. His car was at the garage, getting repaired for the damages.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Aditya asked the driver. He frowned looking out of the window.

"Yes sir. This is just according to your location. SL road... and here is your destination." The driver bought the car to a halt at the entrance of a bungalow.

This is ma and papa's choice? A bungalow? What were they thinking?

Even though they had sold their Bangalore flat and Aditya was going to apply for housing loan, but still they couldn't afford a bungalow.

The bungalow no doubt looked elegant. It was simple yet luxurious. And this could definitely be anyone's choice.

Even I would choose this in a blink of an eye, only if I had the money.

Love... Once Again ! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now