13 - I-told-you-so

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Nisha thanked the door man with a nod who opened the door for her. The Adani mansion was decorated for the afternoon in a theme of flowers. Nisha smiled at a few familiar faces while searching for the host couple. To her right she found them conversing with an elderly couple. She waited a few steps away till their conversation could end.

"Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Adani. Congratulations on completing 30 years!"

"Thank you my dear. But where are Rakesh and Prerna?"

"Manish uncle, they left for Chandigarh yesterday morning to visit a friend there." She answered.

"Oh okay." Manish nodded. "By the way congratulations to you too. We read about you getting the youngest achievers award. Great work Nisha."

"Thank you uncle."

"Manish." Someone called out from behind.

"Excuse me Nisha. I'll see you in a while. Rahul is..." He looked around for his son.

"I'll find him Manish uncle. You please carry on."

He patted her cheek and walked away.

"Shweta aunty." Nisha stopped her before she could walk away. "Here's a small gift for you."

Shweta glanced at the box. "Of course the gifts for us will be small only. Afterall we aren't..."

"Ma." Rahul cut her off as he joined them from behind. "Sheetal Masi is asking for you."

Shweta nodded and walked away.

"Aunty this gift..." Nisha tried to present Shweta but the latter just walked away.

"I'll take it." Rahul grabbed the box from Nisha. "I hope there's something good inside." He even shook the box to guess the gift.

"Of course it is. And you know what tomorrow I'll get one nice saree for you too."

"Saree? Why? What will I do of a saree?"

"To match the jewellery inside." She pointed to the box. "You will look so hot in it."

"I always look hot." He put his arm around her and started walking towards a table. "Do you know why?"

"Why?" She asked even though she expected some stupid answer.

"I was born hot!" He smirked.

"Oh yes." She pulled his cheeks. "One big hot ladoo. I have seen your childhood photos."

"Actually ma showed you the wrong photos."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Those pics were of our neighbour... You would have looked good with him miss chubby cheeks." He pinched her cheeks.

She jerked his arm off her shoulder and hit him.

"Okay... Okay... Sorry." He tried to say while dodging her hand.

"Rahul." Shweta stepped beside him and gestured to the girl standing at her right. "Have you met Tanvi? She is an Orthodontist at Fortis hospital."

Rahul, Tanvi and Nisha exchanged greetings.

"Rahul, why don't you give Tanvi company and chat with her for a while."

"Ofcourse come Tanvi. Nisha and I were just about to get a drink."

"Rahul and Tanvi why don't you go ahead. I need to talk a bit to Nisha." Shweta suggested.

Rahul frowned at his mother, but then turned to Tanvi and gestured her the way. "Come."

Once they walked away, Shweta too turned away and left Nisha standing alone. Nisha understood that Shweta was angry on her about something. But Nisha had no idea about the reason for her anger.

A few minutes later Rahul excused himself form Tanvi and walked to his mother. "Ma, what are you doing?"

"Having a drink." She raised her glass.

"You know exactly what I about ma. Why are you behaving so rudely with Nisha? And who is this Tanvi?"

"Tanvi is the daughter of a friend of mine. Spend some time with her. Get to know..."

"Ma please. If this Tanvi is a way to keep Nisha away from me then let me tell you once again that my future is with Nisha only."

"That is what you think Rahul. When will she see your love?"

"She will. Soon."

"I doubt it son. The only thing that matters to this girl is work and her business. Look at her."

Rahul followed his mother's gaze towards Nisha. "Look, currently also she is typing on her mobile."

Nisha's mobile pinged and she took it out to check the message.

It was from Aditya.
Hello Nisha

She replied. Hello

Can we meet? Need to talk.

At office. Tomorrow morning.

It's urgent.

What is it about?

Can't tell you over a chat.

Nisha frowned. What was it that he could not tell about over a chat and was so urgent that he could not wait another day.

Nisha... You really need to urgently see this.

Okay. Coffee & Cream? 15 minutes?

See you in 15.

Nisha placed her mobile back in her purse. She decided to leave and send Rahul a text later. But the latter stopped her at the door itself.

"Nisha? Are you leaving?"

"Yes Rahul. Something came up at office."

"But it's Sunday."

"It's something urgent. I'll see you later." She gave him a quick hug and turned to leave.

Rahul looked on for a few minutes before turning back. He saw his mother giving a I-told-you-so look. He ignored her and walked away.

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