34 - Knock knock!

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Knock knock!

Nisha opened the door slightly and peeped inside. "Can I come in?"

"Ofcourse," Anuj said. "Come Nisha."

Nisha stepped inside and walked towards the bed. "Here are some flowers." She placed them in the vase on the bedside table.

"I don't like this."

"What? But they are roses. You bought them for me so many times."

"No. I didn't mean the flowers. I meant that I don't like you bringing me flowers. I should be the one to give you flowers."


Oh? That's it?
Aditya noticed the change in her behaviour. All the fun, the jokes, the flirting had vanished. And even if he initiated them, he did not receive any response.

"I'll make a quick visit to the cafeteria. Do you want anything?" Anuj asked as he stood up.

Aditya shook his head.

"What about you Nisha?"

"Nothing uncle. Thank you."

Anuj nodded and walked outside the door.

Aditya looked back at Nisha.

"So how are you?" She asked.


"And how is the pain. Is is receding?"

"It just feels the same as yesterday but much better than the first day."

Nisha nodded and looked outside the window.

Aditya knew that in a few minutes she would stand up and leave. It had become a routine. In the last three days she visited him twice a day. Sometimes with flowers. She asked him about his health and the pain. And then after siting for a few minutes she would leave.

By this behaviour of hers, he did not even understand whether she genuinely cared for him or was it just a formality. From his father he had come to know that Nisha was paying their hospital bills. When he questioned and argued with her about it she just shushed him.

It was his last night in the hospital. Early morning the following day the doctor would take a last check before signing the discharge papers.

On one hand he was happy to be out of the hospital but on the other hand he wondered whether Nisha would still meet him or rather would she even see him.

"Listen, you don't need to report back to office immediately. It's okay if you take a few days leave. Or even weeks if needed."


"Okay then..." She was about to stand up.

"Nisha," Aditya interrupted her.


"What about our relationship?"

"What about it?"

"Are we still dating?"

"You tell me. Are we?"

Both of them were turning the question back on the other.

"This is why I was afraid to reveal about Diya to you. I knew you would get upset. I knew you would react negatively."

"React negatively? Ok, yes I slapped you. And I am once again sorry for that. But if it were anyone else in my situation they too would have reacted in the same way. Maybe even worse... And right now I would like to rethink my decisions and opinions."

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