22 - "You lost to her?"

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Nisha stepped inside the house and glanced at the clock. It was a little past eight.

Be ready by 9. His text had said.

"Chirag... Chirag..."

Nisha's gaze turned to the toddler who was running in a superman costume while being chased by his mother.

"Caught you." Nisha laughed catching hold of Chirag.

"Nisha bua." He beamed. He flared out his chest and Nisha noticed the badge. "Look Nisha bua, I won the first prize in fancy dress."

"Wow! That's great." She kissed his cheek.

"Okay Chirag." Shruti stepped beside him. She had a pair of jeans and t-shirt in her hand. "Nisha has also seen your costume. Now can you change?"

"No. I am superman. I have to save the world." He stood in a flying stance. The wind blowing from the window actually made his cape fly.

Nisha laughed at his cuteness while Shruti rubbed her temples.

"Nisha, please tell him something," Shruti said. "He has been in this costume almost the whole day. I just gave him a bath and went to take out a fresh pair of clothes from his closet. And when I turned to him, he had worn the costume back again."

Nisha ruffled his hair. "Chirag, go upstairs and change."

"No." He pouted.

"CHIRAG!" Naren shouted and walked to them. "Enough is enough. You have wasted a lot of time. Go upstairs and change. NOW!"

Shruti held his arm. "Naren. Calm down."

Chirag broke into tears. Nisha crouched down and tried to calm him.

"Nisha," Shruti said. "Could you please take him upstairs and change his outfit?"

Nisha nodded and took the clothes from her. She then picked up Chirag who just nuzzled his head in her neck and continued to cry. Nisha rubbed his back as she climbed up the stairs to her room.

She made him sit on her bed and switched on the television.

"Look Chirag. It's your favourite Tom and Jerry."

Chirag peeked a glance at the TV. He continued to sob and sniff though.

"Oh look at that, there's one more now. Who is that?... I think that's bubbles... Or troubles.... Or..."

"Nibbles," he meekly said.

"Huh?" She looked at him.

"His name is nibbles."

"Right. But do you know, that... He looks just like our Chirag." She started tickling his stomach.

"Ha ha..." He tried to dodge her hands. "Bua... Ha ha ha..."

She wiped his tears with her hand. "You continue watching. I'll come in a minute."

He nodded and turned to the television. She stepped in her bathroom and took out a fresh napkin from the cabinet. She then turned the faucet and held the napkin under it. She was surprised to see Naren shouting today. It was so unlike him. At office too he looked a little lost. She wondered what was bothering him and decided to talk to him about it later.

She squeezed the excess water off the napkin and walked outside to Chirag. She wiped his face with the damp napkin after which she changed his costume for a pair of jeans and a shirt.

"Nisha bua." He pouted when she purposely blocked his view from the TV while combing his hair.

"Chirag." Shruti stood at the entrance of the room. "Come, let Nisha bua change now. Did you thank her?"

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