18 - "How dare you!"

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Nisha stormed inside his cabin and shouted. "How dare you Karan!"

He was seated leisurely on his chair playing a game on his mobile.

His assistant peeped from the door. "I'm sorry sir. But she wasn't..."

"It's fine Lisa. I was expecting her anyway."

Once the door shut, Nisha shouted once again. "How dare you blackmail my uncle! Wh..."

"Calm down darling," he said still continuing his game. "Why don't you take a seat?"

"I should have expected it to be you. Only you can pull a cheap ploy like this."

"I don't think two crores is cheap."


"But I just took two." Karan clarified.

"You did all this just for two crores. Why? Isn't your father providing you enough pocket money?"

He finally looked at her and placed his mobile on the table. He then pulled out a bag from under his desk and placed it in front of her.

"What is this?" She asked.

"The two crores I took earlier from your uncle."

"You are returning it? Then why did you blackmail for it."

"I don't want this. I want something else. Something more. Something only you can give me."

"What?" She suspiciously looked at him.

He does not want this cash? Then what does this nutcase want exactly?

"Fifty one."

"Crores? Have you lost your mind?"

"No. Fifty one percent. I want fifty one percent shares of your company."

"What? Fifty one percent shares?" She laughed humourlessly. "You have seriously lost your mind."

Giving fifty one percent shares meant giving all power and control to him. It was almost like handing over the company to him.

"Okay then be ready to lose all the earned respect of your company. Not only you, but also your grandfather and father will face it's consequences. I will give that file to the media. And then you know what media can do."

"You won't do such a thing."

"I will. Unless you give me those shares."

"Never." She protested.

"Okay." He shrugged. "Then face the humiliation... Look just give me those shares. You can still work as one of the directors. Even your brother. You and your family can continue to enjoy the lifestyle you are currently living." He stood up and walked to her side. He put his hands in his pocket and leaned his back on the table. "But if not then you will loose everything. Either way you are to loose the CEO post. Now it's you who has to decide whether you want to just loose the post or make your family loose everything as well."

Nisha just looked away frustrated.

"But why are you so sad? Aren't you already losing that post? You know what, your grandfather is the only cooperative person. He asked you to step down even before I contacted you."

Nisha glared at him. "That's because of you only."

"To tell you the truth, involving your grandfather was never in my plan. Maybe it was your unfortunate luck that the file fell in his hands. Anyhow it adds to my advantage."

"Why are you doing all this? You are already in business. Probably next in line to take over after your brother. Then why are you after my company?"

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