29 - "A distraction of her own!"

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Hello readers,
Here's another chapter from Nisha and Aditya's life.
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Also thanks Poojasurekha and NikitaKumari1 for your votes on the previous chapter.
"So there are going to be four phases. He first phase will be on the east side of the plot. Second and third on the north side and fourth on the west side. The first and fourth phase will have buildings which are east-west facing while the second and third will have north-south facing buildings. The clubhouse and garden will be between first and fourth plot. Now, moving on further with the design part..."

Aditya explained as he gave he presentation. Mr Tandon, his secretary and his associates along with Nisha and Naren were seated in the board room. Mr Tandon had postponed the meeting due to personal reasons. Nisha was furious at first. Mr Tandon was the one to make a hurry at first and the he suddenly postponed it. But Naren calmed her down explaining her hoeuch important his deal was to them.

Nisha looked at Aditya. He was explaining the design so accurately and in detail. He was well prepared and did not miss a single point. He was in a classic formal attire of a black dress pants, a white shirt and a blue necktie. His hair was combed in a boyish style of side partition. This brought out his broad forehead. His body type was fairly tall and lean. And with his five o' clock shadow he looked even more handsome.

"... And with that we come to the end of the presentation. Thank you!" Nisha was the one to complete presentation on behalf of the company.

She signalled for the lights to be switched on. Mr Tandon leaned to his right to have a word with his associates.

Nisha nervously glanced at Naren who blinked in a reassuring way indicating her to remain patient.

"Miss Nisha."

"Yes Mr Tandon?"

"We loved the presentation! The intricate and modern designs that your team presented were highly impressive. Especially your plan of completing the project before the estimated time period. Miss Nisha, we would like to sign the deal with your company."

Nisha smiled. "Thank you Mr Tandon."

"I just have one request."

"Yes. What is it?"

"I want Mr Aditya to lead my team of architects. You see, I will be having four architects of mine working on each phase. I want Mr Aditya to survey those phases and lead them. I want him to spend time on site as well. The architects will report to him and he'll provide a fortnightly report to me."

"Sure Mr Tandon. I'm sure Aditya will be happy to lead your team." Nisha glanced at Aditya who immediately added. "Yes Mr Tandon. I will look into the work and you will have your reports on time."

"Great!" Nisha said. "So Mr Tandon should I get the paperwork ready?"

"Yes Miss Nisha. And if it's okay with you we can sign the deal on Wednesday and break the coconut to begin on next Monday."

"That's fine with us."

Mr Tandon and his team stood up. Nisha walked to them and put forward her hand. "Congratulations Mr Tandon!"

"To you too Miss Nisha."

He then shook hands with Naren and Aditya too.

"I'll take your leave now."

"I'll escort you downstairs," Naren said and let the boardroom after mr Tandon and his team.

Once the others left Nisha walked to Aditya and hugged him. "That was one hell of a presentation Adi. You were amazing."

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