33 - Not my daughter

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Nisha had not been able to sleep even a wink that night. The nurse had come in a few times to note down his heart rate. But as time passed that his heart rate stopped fluctuating and came back to normal.

Nisha walked around the room, stood by the window, sat on the couch and then back on the stool. Her mind was unsteady and restless. Mentally she kept praying for Aditya to heal soon and wake up.

Thankfully early morning her prayers were heard. She noticed a movement. His head moved and his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes were still shut.

"Aditya." She softly called.

His eyes slowly fluttered open adjusting to the light. He felt a sharp pain in his head. He tried to lift his hand towards his head but he felt pain there too.


What the...? Where am I? He frantically looked around. Taking in his surroundings of white walls, white bed, a monitor to his right he understood he was at the hospital.

He then remembered himself driving. A truck approaching from ahead in speed. Him loosing control over the wheel. And then finally turning to his right to save Diya. Diya?

"Diya?... Diya?.." He coughed feeling the dryness of his throat. "Where's Diya?"

"Don't worry. She's here itself." Nisha stood up appearing into his eye view.

"Is she alright?"

"Yes. Just a minor scratch. She's asleep on the couch."

Nisha turned to the table and quickly filled up a glass of water. She then bought it to his lips and helped him have a few sips.

"I'll go get the doctor."

He called out for her but she had walked out by then.

"So Mr Aditya," Doctor Rana asked. "How are you feeling."

"Alive, but in severe pain."

Aditya's parents Anuj and Poorva had arrived as well. Anuj had picked up Diya in his arms. All of them stood around the bed. Nisha stood a few steps behind them with her arms crossed in front and listening to the doctor.

"We'll see what can we do for that. Your CT scan reports have arrived. All your vitals are good. No internal bleeding as well, a very good sign. Your heart rate too has come down to normal." He paused and continued to check further. "Your blood pressure is a little high. Is it normally so high?"

"When he is stressed." Poorva answered.

"Mr Aditya now you needn't take any stress. You and your daughter both are safe."

"Yes doctor."

"Doctor, when can we take him home?" Poorva asked.

"He needs to stay another four days. His wound on the back will be bandaged twice a day. Also we'll keep a check that he does not contract any infection. If after four days he's good, he can get a discharge."

"Thank you doctor!"

The doctor noted down the prescription of medicines and painkillers. The doctor then left with the nurse after giving her a few instructions on the bandage dressing.

Nisha took the prescription paper from the doctor. She too stepped out of the room behind him. She went to the pharmacy downstairs and purchased the required medicines. She then proceeded to the billing counter. She paid for all the expenses incurred till the moment. Ambulance charges, surgery, room charges and doctors fees. She even paid the further two days room charges in advance. She did not want Mr and Mrs Gupta or Aditya to face that tension.

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