16 - "It's not Naren."

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A short update.
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Nisha, Aditya and a constable were crouched down and hiding behind a pile of debris. They looked at the structure in front of them. It was a tattered and partly demolished building. The building in the lone lane on the outskirts of the city was dry perfect place a blackmailer could choose. Nisha was filled with rage at just the thought of that b****** who messed with her family. She had to just wait and watch till the blackmailer arrived, after which they would attack on him.


"Yes Pratap?" Nisha touched her earpiece. The inspector and two other constables were hiding behind a few wild bushes on the other side of the building. All being connected by a wireless.

"I am once again asking to go back home. It is not safe for you and Aditya."

"I am not leaving," Nisha said sternly. "My brother will be arriving and I need to see what danger is lurking over him."

"Naren will be safe. I can assure you that Nisha." Pratap tried to convince her.

"I will not leave. And as far as Aditya is concerned he can..."

"I am not leaving either." Aditya harshly interrupted. Aditya had complete idea of what the situation was. Partly explained by the inspector and partly by Nisha, after Pratap confirmed the Aditya was clean.

"But why Aditya?"

"Because I like the game of hide and seek."

He glanced at Nisha who sent him a glare indicating that it was not the time to joke.

"Seriously Aditya? Why are you here?" She asked once again.

"Why are you here?" He counter questioned.

"Because this is my family. Naren matters something to me."

"You also matter something to me."

"Aditya." She held his arm and turned him to face her. "I had told you earlier itself. That..."

"What Nisha?"

"That we can't..." She hesitated

"We can't what Nisha?"

"Guys." Pratap interrupted. "Sorry to interrupt, but we are all connected and can hear you through the earpiece. So please can you have this conversation later?"

Pratap just then received a call. He had stationed some of his men in the highway as well in civil attires. All of them were instructed to keep their eyes open for Naren or anyone entering that lane. Only a few of them were briefed about the actual mission. Involvement of the media was the last thing Pratap or Nisha wanted.

"Sir." The constable spoke. "A car has just entered the lane. Silver Skoda Octavia. Male driver. Face unidentified."

"Okay. What's the number?"


"That's not Naren's car. It is..."

"Shhh..." Pratap cut her off.
They heard the rumble of the car over the stoned pathway. The car came to a halt where Nisha and Aditya could see the car sideways. Nisha noticed that Naren had not bought his own car.

"No one makes a move without my word." Pratap instructed.

The car door opened and he stepped out. Nisha could not believe her eyes. She was surprised.

How can he be here? Is he behind all the mess? Is he in trouble? Was this the reason he left for Chandigarh? But when did he arrive back in Mumbai?

Aditya held her hand. She needed either support or someone to stop her from confronting him.

"Nisha." Pratap whisper yelled. "He's your..."

"I know. Dad."

Rakesh glanced around before shutting the car door. He walked up the craggy steps and placed the bag on a raised cement block. He then walked back to his car and drove off. Pratap instructed two of his men to follow Rakesh.

"Nisha?" Aditya asked. "Are you okay?"


"Nisha if you want to leave, you can. I'll..."

"It was unexpected to see dad... But I won't leave till I see that b****** for myself."

"I can't believe this. No one came," Pratap said as he drove the police symbol embedded mahindra scorpio car.

After Rakesh left; Pratap, his team, Nisha and Aditya had waited for almost two hours. But no one came to pick up the bag. Nisha and Aditya were now seated in the police car with the bag. A couple of officers waited behind to continue keeping an eye on the area.

"Even I can't understand what the hell is happening." Nisha held her head in frustration.

"So now what do we do next?"

"I am calling dad." She opened her purse for her mobile.

"Nisha, it will be better if you have this conversation with him face to face."

"You are right. But I can't speak to him about this at home. I don't want dadu to find about this yet. I want to know the complete truth behind the threat email and those papers before informing him."

"Why don't you talk at my place." Aditya suggested. "I live alone. You can freely have a long chat with your father."

Nisha reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thanks Aditya."

Nisha dialled her father's number. He picked up after three rings.

"Hello Nisha."

"Hello dad, I wanted to talk to you abo..."

"Sweetie, your mom and I will soon return to Mumbai. Can we talk then?"

She found it hard to believe that her dad was lying to her. "Dad I know you are already in Mumbai. Or maybe you did not leave Mumbai in the first place itself."

The line went silent for a few moments. "Nisha I..."

"Dad, I am texting you an address. Please meet me there at two."

"Okay Nisha."

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