28 - Different as in?

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It was almost eight when Nisha descended the stairs. She noticed Aditya's car parked at the entrance. She walked outside and saw him leaning against his car with his arms crossed in front.

Just as he saw her he straightened up and smiled. "Hey!"

"Hey. You could have waited inside."

"Its fine. I was comfortable here."


"You look beautiful." He looked at her appreciatively. She was wearing a deep blue midi dress that reached upto her knees. It had quarter sleeves and a white belt at the waistline after which the dress flared a bit. It was a simple one, but she looked beautiful in anything.

"I guess your colour choice was right." She smiled. "You too clean up quite well." She liked the combination of khaki pants and a plaid shirt.

"Thanks... Shall we?" He opened the passenger side door for her.

Once she was seated he shut the door. He then jogged to drivers side and took his seat.

"Okay sir, I'll get your sodas and your dinner will be served shortly."

Aditya nodded and handed back the menu cards to the waiter.

"Nice place." Nisha glanced around the ambience of the restaurant. It was not fancy, just simple and elegant. "Have you eaten here before?"

"No. But I checked the internet. This place has got great reviews."

Nisha nodded.
After their drinks arrived, Aditya raised his glass and clinked against hers.

"Cheers." Both of them said before drinking.

"You could have ordered some booze."

"I'm good." She said placing her glass back on the table. "So... Why this sudden date plan? Trying to woo the boss? I hope you aren't looking for a raise."

"Dammit." He banged his fist lightly on the table and faked an irritated expression. "And here I thought this dinner could get me an appraisal."

Both of them laughed.

"But seriously, the first part was a yes. I am trying to woo you. And I also thought we could get to know each other better."

"Good point. We just know tad bits about each other. So let's start with you." She gestured.

"Okay. My name is Aditya Gupta. Twenty seven years old. Born and brought up in Bangalore. My favourite colour is blue, no kidding. My hobbies include playing cricket, watching movies and singing. But that's if you count bathroom singing."

She laughed and he continued. "Umm... My favourite food is french fries, which will be soon at our table. I am an architect. I work at a company run by this amazing woman. I have a rented apartment and plan to buy my own place in shortly. So basically I have a stable life."

"Nice," Nisha said with a smile. "So you are planning to permanently settle in Mumbai?"

"That was always the plan."

"Started looking for places?"

"I actually spoke to my landlord itself. Asked him if he's planning to sell. But the deal is still on talks."

"You can look for other places meanwhile."

"I like this apartment actually. But the decision also depends on my parents too."

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