15 - "Don't Nisha."

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Avni left Pramod's hand once they were inside the room. She turned back to the door and locked it.

"What the hell is wrong with you Pramod?" She lashed out on him. "Nisha is our grand daughter. The same grand daughter who you love dearly. How could you..." She stopped mid sentence when she turned and saw him. He was seated on the couch leaning on his elbows and his hands covering his face.

Avni was confused. The man who looked so furious, who was shouting outside, who could literally attack anyone in his path was crying. She sat beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "What's the matter Pramod?"

He raised his head and looked at her. He had tears in his eyes. He looked as if he was regretting a grave mistake he had committed.

"Avni, whatever you saw in that file was true. There is surely some investment goof up. But at the same time I am sure that none of our grand children can commit such a blunder."

"Then why did you ask Nisha to..."

"Step down from the post of CEO? To save her only. Someone has forged those papers. Right now we don't know who that person is or how dangerous he can be. He planted the file in Nisha's cabin, which is not something easy. We also don't know what that person wants. But if these papers come out in the media then we will be doomed and Nisha will be the first person blamed. I don't want her to get in any trouble."

Avni nodded. She was a bit relieved that Pramod was not actually furious with Nisha. But the new information was even more disturbing. "Now what?"

"Now we find that bastard who is trying to harm my family."

"But how?"

"I don't know that right now. But something has to be done quickly. Let me see what I can do." He then turned to look at her. "Avni, after all this do you think Nisha will forgive me?"

"Without a doubt! Pramod... She is our dotting grand daughter. She loves you as much as you love her. I'm sure right now also she will be blaming herself only, even though she has not committed any mistake."

Pramod hugged Avni and the latter rubbed his back soothingly.

Nisha was seated on the edge of the bed. All of this happened under her nose and she had no idea.

Had I been so careless? That email? Those papers? Mr Kapoor? Would Naren do all this? Was he doing it purposely or under someone's pressure or just a guiltless mistake? If purposely then why? What will Naren achieve out of all this? And if it was just a mistake then why did he not admit it downstairs? Was he afraid? Also who was the person who sent that email? Who was blackmailing him?

Nisha had too many questions running through her mind, but had answers to none. She stood up and walked towards her desk. She lifted the laptop screen and hit the start button. She remembered Pramod saying earlier that he found the portfolio in her cabin. Apart from the lobbys and lifts, each cabin had a CCTV installed as well. She switched on her laptop to watch the footage of her cabin.

She assumed that whoever had placed the portfolio in her cabin had done so the day before or the day before yesterday. The previous day she was busy in a meeting and so had no time to get to her cabin. But when she watched the footage of both the days she found nothing. No one entered her cabin. She continued watching the previous days footages in fast-forward motion.

Finally on Saturday of the previous week she saw an unknown employee entering her cabin. Also the time he entered was exactly ten minutes after she left the building for a meeting. The man discreetly entered the cabin. He placed the yellow portfolio on her desk. While leaving he opened the door and glanced around before stepping out. Nisha captured his image.

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