10 - "...wait a minute..."

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Hello readers,
I would like to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !!!

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Any suggestions, criticisms, comments will be appreciated.

Thank you !!!


Nisha stepped out of the elevator and glanced around the lobby for him. She saw him leaning against the reception desk texting on his mobile.

He looked up when she reached him and gave her a smile.

"Good morning Aditya." She greeted

"Good morning." He glanced at her outfit and was a little surprised. Unlike the usual black attire, today Nisha was in a pair of denim shorts, a white tank top and sneakers. She needed to dress like this more often. "Shall we leave?"

"Yeah. Let's look for a cab."

"No need for that. I've spoken at the desk and booked a car for the day."

"Great. Let's go then."

Nisha followed him to the Chevrolet.

"Good morning sir and ma'am! My name is Michael." The chauffeur introduced himself. "And I will usher you around the city for the day. Where would you like to go first?"

"Good morning Michael!" Aditya greeted. "Could you take us to One Fullerton first?"

"Very well sir." Micheal turned back to the wheel and started the car.

After a twenty minute drive they reached their first stop. One Fullerton. They clicked pictures of the Merlion. It is well known as a marketing icon of Singapore. A mythical creature with the head of a lion and body of a fish.

They even clicked typical tourist pics. Aditya held his mouth open as Nisha took a pic of him as if he was drinking the water spouting from the Merlion. She then walked to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and pulled him down a bit to take a selfie.

They bought cinnamon rolls from a local confectionery and sat back in the car to their further destination.

If Aditya knew that Nisha would enjoy Universal studios so much he would have made it their first stop itself.

Apart from him feeling a little ashamed, everything was going on well. The embarrassment in front of Nisha was because he was afraid to go in one of the rides.

They were in sci-fi world when Nisha pointed towards a ride. "Let's go on that."

Aditya looked at the two giant rollercoasters in blue and red in front of them. The blue one was a seated roller coaster while the red one was inverted. On cue the rides began and he saw the ups, downs and turns on the ride. There was a vertical loop too which made him gulp.

"Aditya." She called out and bought him out of his thoughts. "What are you thinking?"


"Good, then let's go." She took a few steps but then turned to see him still rooted at his spot. "Come on Aditya."

"Ummm... On second thoughts, Nisha..." He looked at his watch. "...it's almost three and I'm hungry."

"Okay. We'll eat something..."

He smiled but it faded hardly a second later.

"...right after the ride."

"Let's eat first na." He persisted.

"But Aditya, if we eat first, we will throw up on the ride."

"No we won't."

"We will. Have you never sat on a roller coaster befo... wait a minute..." She looked at him, a bit suspiciously. "Are you scared?"

"No." He blurted out too quickly which proved her suspicion.

She smirked. "It's surprising. Aditya, you are scared of a ride?"

"No it isn't. Everyone is scared of something. I have a fear of rides while you have a fear of emotions." Aditya regretted it the moment he said those words. But somehow to his luck Nisha was staring at something behind him. He followed her gaze to see minion characters. She ignored him and walked to see the show of famous characters parading around the park. He followed her as they lined up along with the crowd. He mentally thanked the minions to save the moment.

It was the first time in these months that he had seen her fun side. She was always prim and proper with a formal attitude but today she was carefree. The quiet and reserved Nisha was extremely enthusiastic and eager. Her smile was up the whole day and did not die even for a moment. With this behaviour she looked so natural, so herself and most importantly so beautiful.

After they returned back to the hotel, they took their respective key cards.

"Nisha the lift is this way," he said when she turned to the opposite direction.

"I know. I'm just going to the beach."


"Wanna join?"

He nodded and followed her. Aditya would never drop down the chance of spending more time with her.

Nisha took off her shoes and held them by their lace before stepping in the sand.

It was quite late with the surroundings being quiet and just the sound of the waves. The weather was pleasant with a slight breeze.

They were walking quietly. The silence was soothing.


"Huh?" He looked at her.

"Thanks for today's outing. I had a lot of fun."

"Thanks to you infact, for accompanying me. Alone, I wouldn't have had any fun." He held her hand and stopped her. She faced him.

A few strands of her hair blew on her face. He bought his hand up and tucked them behind her ear. Her face looked very pretty in the moonlight and those brown eyes looked so mesmerizing. He dipped his head slowly. He was trying to gauge her expressions. He gave her time to back off but when she made no move he crashed his lips on hers. Her lips felt so soft and warm.

He felt her stiffen. He reluctantly pulled back. Her eyes opened after a moment.

He was in two minds at that moment. One was to immediately apologize or the other was to just walk away. He was about to walk away when he felt her lips on his. He was surprised but gave in to the kiss quickly. The shoes dropped from her hand and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer.

She was the one to pull away after a few moments. Both were breathing heavily. She looked at him and caught his gaze. Their eyes locked.

As if a switch, she realised something and stepped back. His hands fell back to his sides. She kept stepping back. Her gaze was anxious.

Before he could say anything she turned and darted back to the hotel. He felt the need to stop her and speak to her about it but somehow words just caught up in his throat. He stood there for a few minutes before picking up her sneakers and walking back to his room.

 He stood there for a few minutes before picking up her sneakers and walking back to his room

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