[my blood.]

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05 | My Blood.

"CARLISLE?" I questioned as the two of us drove to SHARE.


"Does my blood appeal to you guys?" I had been wondering that since Edward told me none of their 'gifts' worked on me. Carlisle seemed to think on the question a bit before sighing.

"No." He answered simply. In an honest voice, he continued, "Generally when we smell a human their blood scent draws us in, but with you, it's like you have no scent. Your blood does not call to us in any way, if anything you smell more like a vampire. However, it changes when you actually bleed, I've never smelled anything like it. It doesn't stink, but it naturally repels us."

"Really?" I looked curiously. "I'm hoping that's a good thing, right?"

"Yes, it's a very good thing." Carlisle chuckled at the smile prominent on my face. My eyes moved themselves to the wilderness on the outside of the Mercedes Benz. The car flew by as it ascended up the mountain and neared the facility.

I turned my head back to Carlisle wanting to ask him a question, but I didn't want to come off as rude. His fingers lightly drummed his steering wheel along to the classical music playing softly in the background.

He looked at me briefly before he brought his gaze back to the road once more. A smile danced at his lips. "Yes?"

"How old are you?" The question slipped out before I could stop myself.

"I was bitten at twenty-three years old, but I've been this way for over three hundred years." Carlisle let out a small laugh at the look on my face.

"Whoa," I muttered looking at him a new light. "You're so old."


"I have a theory." Dr. Carson stated looking down at his clipboard. Carlisle came over with the scanner in his hand and lifted up my hair. I felt him scan the barcode on my neck after this the familiar 'ding' came from Dr. Carson's computer. The notification stating 'Project 2935F, checked in' popped up.

"What's your theory?" Carlisle questioned as he walked back to his computer typing in data of some kind.

"For the past year, we've been scanning her brain checking for any slight changes. You see as a person dies their brain gives an extreme spike in Neural activity. It's the most active point a human's brain ever is and will be. This is what causes the 'life flashing before my eyes' scenario and the 'out of body experience'. Once, Frankie was revived we immediately noticed her brain came back as it was in its last moments, essentially when it was at it's most active. Not only that but her brain stayed in that active state, it still is as we speak, and isn't showing any signs of slowing down. In my opinion that could be the reason for her strength, speed, being able to move things with her mind. However, before her revival, we placed a computer chip in her brain which essentially helps keep her under control. That chip can be controlled manually, and I have a hunch that if I turn some of that chip off, Frankie will be able to do more." Dr. Carson spoke in one breath.

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