[i won't back down.]

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25 | I won't back down.

Third Person
Twenty four hours after rebirth -

"She's different than before, doctor." Laura Marshall spoke up.

Both Patrick Carson, and Laura Marshall watched as a newly reborn Frankie sat upright on her bed staring at nothing. Occasionally her finger would twitch, and she'd blink her eyes - but other than that she gave no movement.

The two were starting to get worried about her, Laura on the girl's health, Patrick more so on whether or not his experiment had actually been a failure. The truth of the matter was project 2935Frankenstein was not only an attempt at bringing the dead back to life, but also to make a weapon.

A weapon capable of fighting off army's, given the chance.

"What about her brother, have we been able to locate him?" Patrick turned to the head agent.

"No, all leads are cut off at Germany. As far as we know HYDRA still has him in their clutches." Laura informed the scientist.

"Goddammit! We can't let HYDRA be successful with him! America cannot afford that!" Patrick yelled in outrage, that Russia may be gaining up on them.

Laura turned to look at him in disappointment. "These are your brother's children we are talking about. Your niece and nephew. You've brought your niece back from the dead and you don't even want to tell her family, her memory is completely gone, and you've renamed her Frankenstein! Your nephew has been kidnapped, and is being experimented on. And all you're concerned about is the fact that once they succeed in those experimentations they will have a weapon just as powerful. What is the matter with you!" The apparent disgust in her voice was evident.

"What's the matter with me? I just brought my niece back from the dead because I cared for her so much! Don't you get it, she is no longer who she used to be, she is a weapon! And my fucking so called 'hero' of a brother, has no need to believe she is anything other dead!" He screamed at Laura his face contorting into anger.

Laura looked at him, livid that he could say such things about his own family. In seconds Patrick pulled out his phone, and began typing things on the extremely futuristic looking phone.

"What are you doing now." Laura whispered the words, her voice eerily quiet.

"Something I should have done long ago." After he said that he clicked a button, causing a loud clicking noise to erupt from somewhere in the room.

It took Laura a few moments before she realized the noise was coming from Frankie's head. Frankie immediately looked up locking gazes with the scientist. Her expression was blank, not an ounce of emotion on her face.

"Your name is Frankenstein. You protect SHARE and the American people. You are a weapon to help both grow and defend the United States Of America. The protection of America and it's people come before all else, including your own life." Patrick spoke to Frankie coldly.

"Affirmative." She spoke back, voice void of emotion.

Quickly after, Patrick pressed another button on his phone, stopping the loud noise coming from Frankie's head. In an instant Frankie fell back against the bed, sufficiently knocked out.

FRANKENSTEIN • Aro Volturi ✔Where stories live. Discover now