[immigrant song.]

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40 | Immigrant Song.

"CARLISLE, I think something's wrong." I told Carlisle, ripping off the bandage.

"What do you mean? Does it have something to do with the whole drinking you did the other night." Carlisle said, in a scolding tone.

I couldn't help but shrink at the scolding tone he held. Biting my lip, a certain thought crossed my mind.

"No, but what happened with the other half of the 'Banana Split group'? You know considering one was dragged back to the room, and the other two were to caught up with each other to notice anyone." I said the last part with a small laugh, earning an almost inaudible huff in reply.

"Leah was quite enraged at Seth, and we are all very disappointed in Jacob and Renesmee." Carlisle said with a small sigh.

"Carlisle, technically speaking they're both consenting adults. It's obvious they both love each other, it really isn't that bad of a thing." I told him.

"I suppose you are correct, Frankie. I believe it's just thought of the girl who's entire hand was able to wrap around my thumb just eleven years ago, being married." Carlisle said, with a long sigh. "Anyway, enough about that, I want to know exactly what's wrong." His voice took a turn to concern.

"I don't know how to explain it, it started during the time I got sick, and has kind of lasted since then. I've been having these really weird dreams, hallucinations really. And when I say weird, I mean really weird Carlisle. And as of late, I've been experiencing this dream. I'm talking to myself, but it's different every time. The only part of our conversation that's the same, is her telling me I need to become myself again. I'm not sure Carlisle, it's really freaky." I said in a rush.

"Why haven't you told me sooner!" Carlisle exclaimed. "I could've checked you out at the party!"

"I thought it would just go away." I weakly defended.

"What are the dreams about? Can you explain them?" Carlisle asked me.

"Every single dream has different scenarios. The only real similarities between each dream are the people. One girl in particular, at every dream she has been a different age - but it's always the same girl. Her family is in it too most of the time. Though, it is always centered around her." I explained to him.

"And when you talk to the image of yourself, what are those conversations about?"

I sighed in irritation just thinking about it. "Mainly, it's just her complaining about how I'm so different, and I need to be myself. Something about being combined, some nudity, and more complaints." I said.

I could hear Carlisle choke on air, before he got out a single word. "Nudity?"

"Yeah, in the most recent one I was naked, and then she got naked - and then we both got dressed again." I said, before hearing what I just told him aloud. "Yeah... that sounds really bad, but I swear it wasn't like that!"

"Okay, here - I'm about to leave to the lab now. I just wrote down everything you said, and I'm talking to Patrick about it as soon as I get there. I want to get his take on it. I'll call you as soon as I have a reply okay." Carlisle said, earning an 'okay' in return.

As soon as I hung up, a loud frantic knock came from outside the door. A second later, Dora came in, shutting the door behind her. She not only shut it, but proceeded to lock it and push a desk in the way of the door. I watched in confusion when she turned to me, her eyes glazed with unsheathed panic.

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