[earned it.]

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11 | Earned it.

EVEN Carlisle's Mercedes Benz could not compare to the shiny Cadillac Escalade limo we were taking to the airport. Demetri and Felix were driving while Alec, Jane, and Chelsea sat toward the front.

I was in the back sat across the three vampire kings. According to Felix, their private jet was at Yeager Airport which was all the way in Charleston giving us about a two hour drive. We'd been on the road for almost fifteen minutes sat in complete silence with Aro staring at me continuously.

"Frankie." Aro finally broke the silence, saying my name as if testing it. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he stared at me.

"Is it true you can read minds with just a simple touch?" I asked allowing my curiosity to get the better of me.

"Yes, it is true." Aro allowed a laugh to escape his lips.

Without hesitation I quickly stuck my hand out across the way so it was right in front of Aro. This action seemed to startle hims slightly as his eyes widened. "If it's not too much to ask will you please read my thoughts?" I questioned sheepishly upon seeing how I startled him.

I shyly began retracting my hand; however, Aro gripped it tight before I could giving me a large smile back. "I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me to read their minds for the fun of it." Aro laughed slightly before getting a focused look on his face.

His eyes soon narrowed in concentration as he held my hand. I couldn't help the tingles that shot up my arms, and caused for a small blush to form on my cheeks. After a few more moments, Aro's head shot up his eyes meeting my own.

I looked at him in innocent curiosity my head tilting to the side as I bit my lip. Aro's eyes drifted down to my lips, and his eyes began turning coal black. I knew vampire's eyes turned black when they were hungry, perhaps Aro was hungry.

"Are you hungry your eyes are black." I stated while moving my head closer to his trying to get a better look into his eyes.

Slowly Aro's gaze left my lips and travelled back to my eyes. I leaned in even more, so our foreheads were almost touching. I examined his eyes which were continuously drifting down to my lips as I slightly bit them.

"Yep, they're definitely black." I observed leaning back so I was again into a normal position. "Perhaps you should feed before we leave." I said concerned for Aro.

Aro cleared his throat letting go of my hand. "I just fed, I'm not hungry." He stated closing his eyes for a minute before opening them again.

I noticed right as he opened his eyes that they were red once more. I shrugged off the odd occurrence before a sudden thought hit me.

"Did you see anything!" I said excitedly leaning forward once more a huge smile lighting up my features.

Aro shook his head slightly as if trying to decide how to answer. "It was unusual, it was not like Isabella's mind where I saw nothing, I saw snippets of what you were thinking. I couldn't grasp any memories though I was able to hear random words; thoughts I suppose." Aro explained looking pensive on it.

"Oh." I said slightly put off now, I sort of wanted him to be able to read my mind.

"Though I have feeling the more I do it, the more I'll be able to see." Aro said once he saw the look on my face.

That put a smile back on my face. "What did you see?" I questioned now curious.

"That you are very tired." I gave a shy smile at that comment looking down. "Rest mi amore, I'll be here the whole time." Aro said gently.

FRANKENSTEIN • Aro Volturi ✔Where stories live. Discover now