[crocodile rock.]

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15 | Crocodile Rock.

"GOOD morning, my sweet!" Aro's perky, feathery voice floated into my ear.

I was wrapped in his arms, and my head was lying on his chest. "Is it already morning?" I complained, yawning.

"Yes, it is 'already morning'." He laughed in amusement his cool breath tickling my ear.

"Can't we just stay like for a few more hours," I mumbled nuzzling into his chest falling back asleep.

"No, I'm afraid not. I'm only in court for half the day, and then I get to spend the rest with you! Now, let us get up!" Aro said a bit more forcefully.

I let out a noise of protest before rolling out of his arms and onto the other side of the comfy bed. It was moments like these where I was glad that Aro had no windows in his room, and no efficient light bulbs either.

"Oh now, don't be like that," Aro stated.

I felt a slight breeze and suddenly I was in Aro's arms. I squeaked eyes flying open at the sudden movement. My hands gripped the jacket of his suit not wanting to be dropped

"I won't drop you, do not worry." Aro laughed at my frantic movements. "Though, I do want you to start getting ready."


I gazed at the beautiful portrait which was hanging in a long corridor

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I gazed at the beautiful portrait which was hanging in a long corridor. The women in the picture was no doubt Athenodora, truly beautiful woman. I could tell by the slight cracks on the masonite that the painting was extremely old.

The thing that really stuck out to me was Athenodora's eye color, it was blue, not red. Not only that but her cheeks were flushed pink, was she not a vampire when this was painted?

"Caius imagines this is how I looked like a human." I jumped snapping my head to the right.

Stood next to me was the very woman in the painting; Athenodora. She was a few inches shorter than myself, causing me to believe she was around 5'2. Her beautiful snowy hair was made up into an intricate fashion, some of it braided - but other parts were simply curled.

An ancient looking blue dress fell down her body going so far as to cover her feet. Contrary to the painting, her skin was deathly pale with no sign of flush to her cheeks, and her eyes were no longer a sparkling blue - but a blood red.

"I told him around two-thousand years ago that my eyes were blue when I was human, then he decided to paint what he envisioned myself to look like as a human." Athenodora smiled at the portrait.

"Caius painted this?" I couldn't keep the awe out of my voice.

I watched Athenodora smirk slightly, at the awe astonishment I held toward her husband. "Yes, my husband is quite the artist - I would consider him one of the best in history." Athenodora paused a smile lighting up her pretty features. "Though Aro has his talents too, such as his love for the fine arts."

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