[arsonist lullabye.]

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34 | Arsonist Lullaby.

THE forest surrounded me. It was a familiar forest, the forest which both the Cullen's and the facility resided in. The only forest back in Elkins.

I quickly began twisting left and right, trying to find a break in the trees, someway out of this mess. Panic was growing inside me once I realized that despite knowing which forest this was, I had no idea where I was inside of it.

My breath's came in ragged gasps as my feet darted to my right. I had to find a way out. It seemed like there was no way out, as if the trees just went on for a lifetime. Branches were swatted away from my face, and twigs were broken by my feet. After thirty seconds of running I came to a clearing.

I paused in the clearing looking around for any sign of a road. However, I began panicking once I saw the little girl standing across from me. The same little girl which turned into that foul monster.

I took a step back, once she stepped toward me. "Don't be frightened, I am a friend." She tried to reassure me.

"Who are you?" I demanded an answer from her.

"I am someone very close to you." She answered, her voice high-pitched.

"I don't know you." I spit at her. "Get away from me."

"I can understand your hostility towards me, but I promise those demons can't get in your own head unless you let them." She attempted to walk toward me.

I held up a hand, motioning for her to not come any closer. Her facial expression turned into that of annoyance.

"Listen." She started. "I thought appearing in the shape of a trust-worthy person would help, but it appears not - so I am going to get straight to the point." The little girl snapped, obviously fed up.

"That chip in your brain is not good! It's stopping you from important knowledge, therefore stopping your true-self all together. Your true-self not being here, isn't good. In fact, it's very bad, because now there is no one to keep the spirits at balance. You being alive when you're suppose to be dead has already affected a lot, but now you not remembering has completely tipped the scales. So, you need to remember your past - you need to know who you are." The little girl finished, crossing her arms.

"And how exactly am I suppose to do that?"

"In order to remember who you are, you need to forget who they told you to be." She answered, mysteriously.

"What-" I paused when I saw her disappearing. "Wait!" I yelled, but she was already gone.

I panicked when everything seemed to be ripped away. Including myself.


I gasped jumping up from my spot asleep. I looked around confused as to how I got here. My dress was discarded to the other side of the room, leaving me covered in only my undergarments. I figured Aro must have undressed me for the night, as most of the car ride was a blur.

I rubbed my head, which had a slight headache and groggily made my way to the bathroom. After showering I opted for just wearing pajamas, and leaving my hair down. I was in no mood to actually put on clothes for the day. I knew it'd probably annoy Aro to no end, but I couldn't find it in myself to care that much.

I was stuck on the phrase 'to remember who you are, you need to forget who they told you to be.' I mean what was that suppose to mean. Could she have been referring to SHARE? I didn't know, but my head hurt just thinking about.

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