♠️[poker face.]♠️

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37 | Poker Face.

"COME on baby. Win me some money." I muttered rolling the dice.

Nessie gave me an encouraging pat on the shoulder as I gambled away at Russian Roulette. Me, being able to move things with my mind helped a lot. I mean I was currently in lead, and all I had to do was win this round - and I got forty-thousand euros.

I need a pair of double sixes, luckily for me - cheating was my A-game. I put my hand up, using my telekinesis so that both dice landed on six. A series of gasp's followed once the dice landed. In an instant a loud ringing noise echoed about, alerting everyone of the winner.

Miranda and Renesmee crashed into my sides hugging me tight, the three of us jumping up and down in drunken excitement. "You won! You won!" They cheered.

I laughed when Miranda placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek, her eyes flaring in excitement. The manager walked over to us, holding a silver case. "How do you feel about winning forty-thousand euros?"

"Amazing!" I cried, as I took the silver case containing the money in it.

He gave me a perverted wink, before strutting off somewhere else. I only shook my head, looking to the money. Alexander, Jacob, and Seth had come over looking at the case wide-eyed. "We leave for five-minutes, and you win money?" Seth slurred, handing me a Martini.

I placed the case in left hand, taking the drink in my right happily. Alexander and the other two went off in order to get us all alcoholic beverages. Not that we needed more, we were all already so wasted, we were somewhat loosing a grip on reality.

"So, what are you gonna do with your money first?" Alexander slurred leaning against Miranda - who had no trouble keeping him upright.

"She's gonna pay for our wedding!" Renesmee happily exclaimed, hugging Jacob.

"Yeah, she told us once she won, that was the first thing she'd do!" Jacob yelled.

"And, I'm the best man." Seth added, his eyes half open.

"Oh yeah!" Alexander said.

Renesmee and Jacob had told us they wanted to get married, but most of the Cullen's thought they should wait for a few more years. Apparently Renesmee was done with them treating her like a child when she was an adult, so Miranda suggested she get married here. They had a chapel in the hotel, so they were just going to elope there. We all backed the couple up on it, I mean where was a better place to get married than Rome?

"Let's go now!" Jacob yelled.

"Wooo!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, the six of us walking to where the chapel was.

"Jake you need a ring to give to her. Here, I have an extra one." Seth mumbled to Jacob handing him a blue RingPop.

Jacob smiled taking the RingPop out of the bag gazing at it. "Thanks bro." Jake said, turning to Renesmee.

He gave her a happy smile, while pausing in his tracks. He cleared his throat getting down on one knee, the RingPop in his hand. Tears gathered in Renesmee's eyes  as she looked to her boyfriend on one knee.

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I have loved since the day you were born. I will love for the rest of our immortal lives together!" Jacob began to her, tears in his eyes as well.

Despite them being drunk, it was apparent the love they held for each other. I didn't think this was a mistake at all, it was their destiny! Just like Aro and I! Oh, Aro, I miss him! I wonder what he's doing, maybe I'll call him after the wedding. I noticed multiple people looking our way, with raised brows. What? Have these people never seen love?

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