[waiting game.]

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38 | Waiting Game.

WITH a loud groan, I slowly began gaining consciousness. In this moment, I was never more grateful that Aro's room had no windows - the light was most definitely not my friend right now. It took a second before I remembered everything that happened the previous day.

I had no clue how long I've been out, but based on the dry drool around the corners of mouth - I'd give or take ten hours. Slight guilt ate at my insides when I fully comprehended the fact that I assisted Renesmee and Jacob to elope. The Cullen's were no doubt freaking out over this.

With a loud yawn I pulled my phone off the the nightstand, looking at the time. I frowned seeing as I had slept all day, it now being six. I couldn't help but cringe as I felt that I hadn't been changed - other than my shoes having been taken off.

Quickly, eager to feel clean my feet took me to the bathroom. I spent a good amount of time under the powerful jets of Aro's lavish shower, enjoying the feel of cleanliness taking over. After that, it took a at least fifteen minutes trying to brush through the large knots in my hair. Dragging my feet to the closet, I didn't pay attention to what I was putting on - vaguely sensing one of Aro's undershirts and a pair of panties.

Just as I began making my way back over to the bed, ready to just sleep some more - Aro's door burst open. Jumping startled, I placed a hand over my heart - looking to Aro's tense figure. It was silent as he closed the door, and turned to me, his eyes bleeding an angry expression.

As slickly as possible, I casually looked over to the open bathroom door on my right - ready to make a run for it.

"Hello." I gingerly said, flashing him my most convincing smile.

Aro saw right through it; however, only narrowing his eyes in response. "Hello." He mocked, his voice smooth as can be.

That only added onto the nerves bouncing around my stomach. In a split second decision, I whirled around darting toward the bathroom. The plan was cut off, when Aro suddenly appeared in front of the doorway before I even got within five feet of it. I froze, coughing awkwardly into my arm.

"I um.... need to use the restroom." I lied, horribly.

"You know, when I saw young Renesmee's thoughts, I was not at all expecting what I saw. Fourteen beverages! Are you serious, Frankie! I asked the everyone to be on their best behavior, and what do you do? You go party, gamble, and help a couple elope!" Aro raged, his eyes dancing like fire.

"Not only that, but you danced with that stupid animal! How would you like it if I went off and danced with other woman?" He continued.

Ursula came to mind, and a newfound jealousy hit me. "Just like that vamp chick was all over you." I snidely said, crossing my arms - sticking my nose up.

Aro's head flew back, as he sarcastically let out a loud laugh. "That's what this is about? Ursula? You got jealous, and decided to go and party instead of confronting the problem? It seems like you do that a lot, avoid the issue." Aro dangerously growled, alighting an anger within me.

"Do. Not." I slowly said, taking a step toward him. "I am going through some terrible things right now, if I were to have just confronted the problem - Ursula would have ended up dead. I'd have torn her apart!" I screamed, my anger pouring out in waves.

"Exactly! I have no clue on what the problem is! There is something wrong, yet you won't tell me!" Aro exclaimed, frustration leaking his tone.

"Hmm? Let's ponder this for a moment." I sarcastically hummed, scratching my head. "Maybe, just maybe, I'm keeping this to myself for your benefit? That maybe you don't want to know the crazy, borderline psychotic things going on with me? Nope, instead you're thinking about that idiotic nomad." I growled, the jealousy coming back in waves.

"You are still on that nomad? I had her killed the minute we left that party, she is nothing. You are my everything now, Frankie. You are my world, and I love you. I want to help you, everything in my being yearns to save you, but I cannot help if I don't know." Aro ended quietly.

My anger diminished and instead sadness was left. I sniffled slightly before saying, "You'll think me insane, mad if I tell you. You'll be dragged into the chaos, and I can't do that to you. I love and care for you too much. I won't force you into this madness." Tears gathered in my eyes.

Aro's eyes filled with pain, and in a flash he was in front of me holding my cheeks softly. "Don't you get it? You are not forcing me into anything, I want to stand by you - help you through this. Besides, I am already insane as it is." Aro added the last part with a small laugh.

I gave him a small chuckle in reply, tears slowly falling down my cheeks. Aro looked into my grief-stricken eyes, with pain. He gently thumbed the tears away. All the anger had left us, leaving me breathing heavy. In a swift movement Aro bent down and caught lips in his own. The kiss was gentle and sweet.

Before I knew it, he was trailing kisses down my neck. Clothes just seemed to fly away in his hands - it wasn't long before the both of us stood wrapped in each other naked. As he brought his lips back up to meet my own, I threaded my fingers throughout his raven locks.

That night became a night for the books. One which I would never forget.

And like that, we became one.

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