[cats in the cradle.]

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20 | Cats in the Cradle.

Frankie's View

"HELLO, my darling! Dance with me!" A French accent rang out across the club floor.

I watched in astonishment as a huge dancing broccoli sprouted arms and began boogieing to a song I recognized from 'Peter Pan'. The club was empty other than the large broccoli and baby carrots - which were next to it dancing. The vegetables began twisting and moving their arms in an odd motion, that I assumed was supposed to be some sort of dance.

My mouth fell agape as I was at a complete loss for words, with what I was seeing. Was this real? Where was everyone, I highly doubted the Volturi would allow something like a dancing vegetable in its midst?

"Aro!" I shouted in confusion.

I frantically turned my head trying to see around the club. No exit doors were present causing me to go into an utter panic. I was trapped in a room by myself, with three dancing vegetables. The lights shone bright, flaring with a multitude of colors.

"My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say, I'm gonna be like you, dad
You know I'm gonna be like you
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man in the moon."

I didn't know the lyrics directly, in fact, I could never remember a time I had actually heard this song. Though a small part of me recognized it, it sounded eerily familiar. Behind the dancing vegetables was a bar, filled to the brink with different types of alcoholic drinks.

"What are you doing, my love? Come, join us in our festivities!" The broccoli shouted growing a pair or green legs.

His legs moved to the beat of the music, in an odd fashion. I was at a loss for words. What was this?

"No! Go away, I don't even like vegetables. I get sick from just a bite of you!" I screamed, my face twisting into a scowl as I accusingly pointed at the broccoli.

"Then, why in the hell would you ever eat me? This is all your fault! I'm here because of you, and now you must dance with me for all eternity!" The broccoli let out an evil laugh before he sprinted at me, the carrots following in suit.

My face morphed into horror as a terrified scream escaped me. I brought my arms up to cover my face and waited for the attack of the vegetable. However, before the vegetable could get to me it was like everything stopped. All of the sudden I heard not the previous song, but what I recognized as ancient Greek music.

Slowly I uncovered my face and looked around in confusion, I didn't understand. The club wasn't there anymore, in its place was an extremely classy restaurant. Towards the back of the restaurant was a bar, it was decorated in the theme of red and gold. It was very aristocratic looking and had me staring at it all in amazement.

"Good afternoon." An extremely familiar voice that sent my body tingling said. My head snapped back to the bar only to see a very perceivable man. Aro stood behind the bar polishing glasses.

Though he looked extremely different. His body was clad in a red tuxedo, which fit very nice might I add. His once pale - almost translucent skin was now a gorgeous sun-kissed golden color. His once long raven hair was now cut short, and colored dark chocolate that suited him nicely. It was his eyes that took me off guard though. His eye color had completely changed from crimson red to a gorgeous ocean blue. It was bluer than anyone else's eyes I had ever come across. It rivaled that of the deepest parts of the oceans and captivated me in a way I had never before seen.

FRANKENSTEIN • Aro Volturi ✔Where stories live. Discover now